Hello Everyone - this is Josie and I just wanted to tell you all that my Mommy and Daddy keep laughing at me! All I do is make my latest funny fish face - which would probably be described more accurately as "kiss lips," since there isn't really any sucking in of the corners of the mouth. To make my new face... you try it, too... just wrinkle up your nose and pretend you're going to give someone a big kiss. I don't see what's so funny about it - just like when I shake my head, growl and wave at the same time - I can do them all together, so why not?!
I had a very fun, very full weekend with Mommy and Daddy. Here's what we did:
8:00 am Friday - Target run with Mommy. She takes a long time to pick out stuff. Sometimes I get bored. But I do like to poop at Target. Except it works better if I lean to the side in the cart, and sometimes I hit my head on the edge and that makes me mad.
Noontime Friday - We went to Dino's Gyros and picked up food, then had lunch with Daddy at the big building downtown. I like to stroll with Mommy through the skyway. There are lots of strange people to look at.
Afternoon Friday - We had fun at Eastview Park enjoying the last warmth of the season!Brewster came with and Mommy played fetch with him lots. He's funny to watch run around. Then then a police officer drove by, and Mommy got real nervous because Brewster wasn't on a leash. But he just kept on driving. Then Daddy came to the park after work and played, too. It was fun.
2:00 pm Saturday - Me and Mommy went to a bridal shower for Mommy's cousin Elizabeth in Racine, Mn. We were in the car for a long time. I slept for a while. Mommy had lots of toys in the car that she'd keep handing to me when I'd throw one, so I had plenty to keep me busy. I got to visit with Grandma Sue and Great Grandma Janet and Great-Great Auntie Mabel... and lots of other family, too! Then we had to leave the party and get back in the car again. I fell asleep right away this time. It's a lot of work to entertain so many people.
5:00 pm Saturday - "Auntie" Tricia's 30th birthday party. Wow - 30!! That's a lot older than me. There were lots of people there, and they were all in the garage. Auntie Tricia hung up balloons, so they were fun to look at. My friend Owen and his Mommy were there, but I didn't get to see them much because I got sleepy and went to bed. And I got to see some of Mommy's friends from high school. Kari is so nice. She's kind of twitterpated right now, but I can see why... her boyfriend is really cute. But we only get to see pictures because he's in a Buffalo right now :) And Dawn and her husband Gary were there... they're awfully nice, too. Gary's a little strange - but that's okay, 'cause so are Mommy and Daddy. :) I can tell Mommy and Daddy like them lots. I hope I get to see them more!
Sunday morning - I slept until 8:30 am! Mommy and Daddy woke me up at Kevin and Tricia's at midnight and brought me home to sleep in my crib. I was confused! It was dark out and we were in the car. But I was very tired, so I went right back to sleep and stayed in my crib until morning. Mommy wasn't moving very fast on Sunday morning, though. She had some Margaritans and I guess they make you want to stay in bed. I played and played all morning with Mommy and Daddy. I took a nap - then watched a Viking play football with a Giant. I guess the Viking won because Daddy was doing lots of happy yelling.
3:00 pm Sunday - Cousin Trent's birthday party. He's 2 now. He got lots of presents, but cousin Trevor opened most of them. I guess you can do that when you're the big brother. So I got to see all of my Daddy's family, too. And I finally let my Grandpa Mike hold me a little bit. He bounced me lots on his knee, and that was fun. Maybe he's not so scary, after all.
I was very tired Sunday night. We had a big weekend. But I got to visit with so many family members and friends - it was fun. I hope we get to see everyone again soon! Gotta go make some more fish lips!
Love, Josie