Blog Worthy

Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I'm chuckling to myself because I just realized the title of this blog reminds me of a very funny Seinfeld episode. I'm not going into detail - but let me know if you get it. :)

Hmm. The last couple of days I've been searching for something worthy to write about.

I've got nothin'.

I usually do a weekend wrap-up. But nothing overly exciting happened last weekend. Josie and I did nothing but play and hang out at home on Friday, then Saturday we went to a very fun baby shower for my work-friend Kate, who is due in January, and Sunday I went to book club at Michelle's house. Which is always fun - so nothing new there, either.

There are not a lot of ground-breaking new happenings in Josie's life, either. She's still giving us the fish lips, had a couple more amazing explosions over the weekend (but still no new teeth,) and continues to be her cute, funny self. She did have her 10 month birthday on Saturday - which is mind boggling, to me, at least. In the words of Auntie Meg... Josie was "on" at the baby shower. She was being especially cute and charming, wow-ing everyone with her amazing capability for hanging out upside down on my lap. She's a ham. I guess her newly-found love for being upside down is a fresh development - so there you go. That's all I've got.

Oh - Pat's hockey team won their first playoff game last night. So that's pretty exciting. I guess. Not that I've been able to go to one of his games in the last couple of seasons, what with being either pregnant and very sleepy or at home with baby, and very sleepy. And his games are at all God-forsaken hours of the night, like 9:00 and 10:00 pm. I'm usually climbing into bed as he's packing up his stinky gear and heading out the door.

To continue with some random thoughts, and since I'm not sure if I'll be able to blog again before Thanksgiving, here are some things I'm thankful for this year. In no particular order.

The amazing gift of motherhood and everything that comes with it.
My truly unique, funny, talented and supportive network of friends.
Patrick. (see earlier blog titled "That's why I married you...")
The continued health and happiness of our families.
Being able to give Josie a home - even if I do call it a crap shack and make Patrick very angry.

That's probably enough for now. Of course, there are always little things like pie, office supplies and Caribou coffee... but it just seems a little materialistic to give thanks for that kind of stuff. :)

Have a Happy Turkey Day. Travel safely and wear elastic pants.


Nicole said...

That is a really long blog for having nothing to say :) It seems there was alot of blog worthiness.

CarolSue said...

Funny what you can find to ramble about once you start writing!

Anonymous said...

When I first read the "Worthy Blog" I thought it said plastic pants and I wondered about your unique friends????

CarolSue said...

Well - Hello Anonymous!

Have I got a story for you. It has to do with a bachelorette party, Bacardi O, and unique friends who need plastic pants... You know, on second thought - nevermind. There are some things better left unsaid :)

Nicole said...

That is funny - at first I thought it said plastic pants too. I am glad I am considered "Unique" since I am the one who needed the plastic pants, unless you know more "unique people that need plastic pants" from time to time. :)