That's why I married you...

Thursday, November 10, 2005
Because you woke up the next morning after going out downtown Minneapolis and said that it just wasn't the same anymore.

Because you told our daughter the story of Little Boy Blue... who grew up to join the Navy, and when he was about 90 years old joined a fraternity and was Frank the Tank's "boy."

Because you went back to the video store to rent something different after you brought home a movie that I declared was scary and refused to watch.

Because you asked me to let you be the one to get up with Josie and give her her morning bottle.

Because you make me french toast.
And eggs.
And pancakes.
And bacon.

Because you continued to clean the litter box everyday waaaaaayy after I was not pregnant anymore.

Because you dressed Josie in a newborn jacket when she was 7 months old and put her pants on backwards when you dressed her to go for a walk so I could take a nap.

Because you email me a "menu" at work so I can pick out what I want for supper.

Because you change the words to songs on the radio and make me laugh every time I hear that song again.

Because you pretend not to be thrilled when everyone tells you how much Jo looks like you.

Because you *tried* not to look terrified at the size of the needle going into my back when I was getting my epidural.

Because you indulge my addiction to reality tv shows and don't complain about it. Too much.

Because you hid change in my shoe so I wouldn't put it in our "bank" at home- but then forgot about it and let me have it when I found it.

Because you take the dog for a car ride when he's driving me crazy at home.

Because you calmed Josie, made her smile and handed her back to me after I nipped her with the fingernail clipper and felt like the most horrible mother in the whole world.

Because you get the spiders, even though I suspect you hate them even more than I do.

Because you want so badly for a new baseball stadium to be built not so much for your own enjoyment, but because you want to be able to take Josie to a nice ball park.

Because you love her so much that you worry about every bump on the head.

Because you held my hand and didn't let go when she had to have a spinal tap. And because you squeezed my hand. Hard.

And because you let me be the one to hold her when it was done.

I could go on. And on. But you get the idea.


Unknown said...

Carol, that is just awesome. It's amazing what parenthood can do to an already-rock-solid relationship. I love you guys and wish you many, many more years of happiness together.

CarolSue said...

Thanks, Meggo. Ditto to you :)

MC said...

Geesh. Almost makes me want to marry him. Almost. My favorite is the too small clothes on backwards while you're napping. That's the best! I'm going to think of that whenever I need a chuckle.

CarolSue said...

That's what friends are for... providing chuckles in times of need! You don't need to marry him-you've got one just as good at home :)

Anonymous said...

Carol,my youngest daughter~~~~~~
What beautiful words and thoughts!
You two are so lucky to have found each other!!!!
I love you and Pat and Josie~~~~~and Brewster and Baxter and Buford.~~~~Mom

Anonymous said...

wow. that was deep. i can still laugh and cry all these miles away. i know, it's not that far, only like four hundred some odd miles. it is farther than across the livingroom at our house we lived in in winona, though. *)

Rebecca said...

I'm with Peg, I can laugh and cry when I'm 1800 miles away! He's a keeper---I think we are all lucky to have the men in our lives! Thanks guys! We love you all!