We Did It! We Did It! Yea, We Did It!

Monday, February 27, 2006
Okay - maybe I've been watching a little too much Dora lately. Josie doesn't seem to care for it yet, but I love it!

What did we do, you may ask? We bought a minivan. Yup. We are now the proud owners of a Ford Windstar. Oh boy, if my father were still around, he would not be happy that we have become the owners of 2 Ford vehicles! But the price was right and it has some awfully fun options, like a power sliding door and a beeper thing that starts going off when Pat almost backs into the neighbor's garage. And it makes life SO much easier to be able to just place Josie in her car seat instead of performing Feats of Strength maneuvering her in the backseat of the Taurus. Needless to say, I'm excited to be a minivan owner. AND we got groceries on Saturday, and were able to just lift the back gate and put all 1 and 1/2 carts-full in the back. Fabulous.

Let's see, what else. Oh - I had a doctor's appointment last Thursday. My weight was only up 2 lbs. from the last visit. I was pleasantly surprised, considering that my butt seems to be growing at a much faster rate than my tummy. My blood pressure was 120 / 80 - which they didn't seem concerned about, but seemed high to me. I think mine is usually quite a bit lower than that. Baby's heartbeat was 160. My belly is measuring at an 18, so about right on. I'll have an ultrasound at 19 weeks and another doc visit at 20 weeks.

Josie has started to "talk" on the telephone. She'll grab our cell phone or the home phone and hold it up to her ear and pretend to talk. Adorable. I know every kid does this sooner or later, but it's just so darn cute. Granted, it won't be so *cute* in a few years when we can't get her off of the phone. We were playing phone last Friday and she handed it to me, so I was talking into it, and she got flustered that she didn't have anything to talk into and just held her hand up to her ear and started jabbering away. Oh - and she's jabbering quite proficiently now. Perfectly formed, nonsensical sentences. She also has discovered the toilet. And toilet paper. No major mishaps yet, but I can just see the gleam of possibility in her twinkly little eyes. :)

This pregnancy seems quite different from Josie. My appetite is much greater, but yet, I am very sensitive to food this time around. Example - I threw up Saturday night because the smell of the roast and carrots we had in the crock pot all day sent me over the edge. Very disappointing considering that I love roast! It also may have been due to the weird combo of food I had eaten earlier in the day. I remember last time around the smell of taco meat really bothered me, but not to the point that I actually had to throw up. I can stomach a lot of gross stuff and never thought that the SMELL of food would actually make me sick!

Gotta go for now - have a Happy Monday!

On the Mend

Thursday, February 23, 2006
Everyone in the Daly house is doing just fine this morning. After a very hectic afternoon yesterday picking up Josie from daycare, taking her to the doctor's office, going to Target to fill her prescription, (ooh - bookclub girls, I actually witnessed Meg looking at digital cameras, YEAH :) !) going to the vet to pick up Brewster and getting into the house with toddler, bags from Target, Arby's for dinner, very excited dog and very excited dog's medications all in one armload, I was pooped! Not to mention that Pat had to work until 6:00 last night, so I got to do it all by myself. Can't wait until there's another baby to throw in the mix!

Josie's doctor appointment went well - the doc decided that he didn't see any reason to put her back on antibiotics again and gave her a prescription for Prednisonal, or something like that, basically prednisone, to help open up her airways and hopefully get rid of that nighttime cough. No more vomiting, so that's a good thing. He said all that gunk in her tummy just wasn't going to go anywhere but back up again, so all the milk on top of it just was enough for her to get rid of it once and for all.

And Brewster. He got the okay to come home, they think the zinc poisoning danger has passed. We have to give him a pill twice a day to help settle his tummy since he went through quite a bit of trauma yesterday, and we have some meds for his nasty ear infection. We'll do a follow-up appointment in a week to make sure nothing is showing up in his blood, and he'll have the official all clear after that. Whew. Still a little shaken by the close call on that one. He was VERY excited to see me last night and practically jumped right into my arms - no laughing matter when we're talking about an 80 lb. dog!

I have my 16 week appointment this afternoon, even though I'm officially 17 weeks today. (I thought I'd better work one "full" week last week after missing the entire week before!) Babycenter says my baby is the size of a large onion this week. I can't think of anything more disgusting. Thanks, Babycenter.

Just TRY to tell me things don't happen for a reason

Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Call it a higher power, call it divine intervention, call it whatever you want - but there's SOMETHING or SOMEONE out there watching out for each and every one of us - animals included. Here's a long story to prove my point:

We were having a pretty normal morning. Although Josie didn't want to finish her milk this morning, which is strange for her. But we didn't really see any red flags. We get her to daycare, start taking off her coat and hat and mittens, and she proceeds to throw up on dad. Sorry for the detail here - but it's necessary for the story. What she threw up was pretty much curdled milk and lots of mucus. She's had this cough and runny nose for what seems like forever, and she doesn't know how to cough that stuff up, so it all goes to her tummy. She is not showing any other symptoms of being sick and does not have a fever. She actually now seems quite happy to have that nastiness out of her system. Betty says to leave her and she'll call us if anything else seems amiss. Perhaps not the best decision, but she REALLY seems to be just fine. So we leave her - all the time wondering what is going on beyond the cough and runny nose. Allergy, lactose intolerance, what? I make a note to call her doctor and try to get her in today.

Problem - Pat is covered in puke. We need to go home so he can get cleaned up. So we do. For some reason, I go into Josie's room. What I find does not make me happy. Brewster has decided to dig in Josie's diaper bag, take out the tube of Desitin, and eat it. In doing so, he has smeared it all over the rug in her room. Pat looks at the tube, and sees that it says to call Poison Control if ingested. Hmm. This probably isn't good.

I call our vet. They quickly say that we need to get him to their office, ASAP. So we do. The dumb dog gets to go for a ride, and becomes very excited, even though we keep telling him that this is not going to be a fun trip.

Zinc is poisonous to dogs. If it gets into their systems, it can cause a variety of damage, including breaking down red blood cells and causing kidney failure. Brewster ate pretty much the entire contents of a full tube - which just happens to contain 40% zinc oxide. Fabulous. Of course, his health and well-being are our primary concern, but we can't help but begin to get sick thinking of the cost this episode is going to incur. (Remind yourselves of our $175 Chinet paper plate incident, if you will.) We have to leave him at the vet's office all day while they treat and observe him.

We get to work - me about 1 hour late and Pat about 1/2 hour late. We need to get Josie to the doctor to figure out what's going on with her, and now our dog could die. The vet calls after a while and gives us pretty good news. They induced vomiting, and because he had eaten this morning before he ate the Desitin, it stuck mostly to the food in his stomach instead of to the lining of his stomach. So now they have to give him medicine to stop vomiting, give him IV fluids and put a tube down his throat to get gel into his stomach which will, hopefully, absorb what is remaining of the Desitin. He is one lucky dog. And here is why:

If we would not have had to go home for Pat to change, we would not have discovered that Brewster had eaten the Desitin until 5:30 tonight. Which would have been disastrous. We had 3 things on our side: 1. He's an 80 lb. dog, so the effects would not be as serious as to a smaller dog. 2. He had a full stomach which inhibited absorption into his stomach lining and 3. We found him within 1/2 hour after he ate it, also inhibiting the time it had to absorb into his system. Now you tell me why this day of all days, we needed to go home? It gives me goosebumps just to think about it. I can honestly say that we have NEVER needed to run home quick before going to work.

The vet gave me an estimate, while still not exactly cheap, was not nearly as horrid as what we were imagining. This, of course, is true as long as we do not have to have him admitted to an Emergency Hospital for further treatment. Knock on wood. So this disaster is, hopefully, averted and on the way to a happy ending.

After hanging up with the vet and calling Pat to let him know the news, I decide to call Betty to see how Josie is doing. She had thrown up, again. Great. So Pat calls and gets her an appointment so we can figure out what in the world is going on with our little girl. So the drama in our life is not over, for the time being. We'll keep you posted.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Please be sure to check out the polls on the right sidebar. The names are definitely not carved in stone and will change often, so be sure to check back. :) We're open to suggestions... well, realistic suggestions. And no, Jara, if we have a boy, we're not going to name it Apu. Apu Daly. Ha ha.

***My thanks to Meg Gronau for her assistance in posting the polls. Now go have that baby already!


Monday, February 20, 2006
This is one of Josie's favorite sounds to make - and this morning, one of mine, too! First off - it's Monday. Enough said. Secondly - it's President's Day, so that means many of you don't have to work today, but I do. And lastly - I could have worn stinkin' jeans today and I FORGOT! That is a rare treat and I can't even believe I didn't write it down or something. Damn! So I'm just going to have to cast evil stares at all of my co-workers who did remember. That will make me some friends on the 5th floor. Grrr. Perhaps I'll growl at them, too. :{

It's Thursday and there's an avocado in my abdomen

Thursday, February 16, 2006
I'm 16 weeks pregnant today. Babycenter.com tells me my baby is now about the size of an avocado. I have an avocado at home, so I'll have to hold it up to my belly and see how it looks. Maybe I could stuff it in the front of my pants and pretend I'm having twins.

End of an Era

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Okay - maybe that's a little dramatic. But Pat and I were faced with a harsh reality last night as we attempted to go out for dinner with Josie.

We can't go out to dinner with Josie.

Well... maybe if conditions are perfect, i.e. she's been fed, has napped sufficiently and is in a happy place, then we can take her out to eat. But on a rushed and harried work night, it's just not worth it. We picked her up from daycare, scooted home to let the dog out and to grab her diaper bag, crackers and sippy cup and went to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants. We thought we were going to be doing dandy as we trekked up White Bear Ave at 5:30... until she started to melt down in the backseat. That should have been our signal to turn around and high-tail it for home. But no. We persisted. Things were going fine in the restaurant as she was happy to be out of her carseat and in a bright, colorful restaurant and was enjoying her crackers and milk while we waited for our food. Well, we had to wait a *little* too long and the timing was perfect for her to become bored just after our meals arrived. It really wasn't THAT bad - just not exactly a relaxing night out for us as we tried to keep her happy and to not throw everything on the floor.

It used to be so easy when she was more readily entertained and we'd smugly proclaim that we didn't know what people were talking about when they said it's hard to go out with the kids. Hmm. Lesson learned. And we need to find a babysitter :)

Otherwise, it was a lovely day. I got roses at work. Yea. :) They're beeeeuuutiful.

Feeling Fuzzy

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I'm wearing a new sweater today. It's a fuzzy sweater as it's partially angora. Not super fuzzy or anything so I look like an electrocuted rabbit, but just comfy and soft. So I'm feeling pretty snazzy as one does when wearing a new shirt, until I stand up and realize that my formerly black pants (1 pair of about 8 that I own wear... oh... pretty much everyday!) are now covered in blue fuzzies. Darn it all. Oh - and I just lifted my arm and realized that the sides and underarms of the sweater are now all covered in blue pillies. Frickin' fuzzy shirts.

My belly has now officially popped out. MUCH sooner than the first time. Whew. I'm on my way to looking pregnant instead of just fat. :)

Happy V-Day!

A lovely weekend

Monday, February 13, 2006
After quite the dreadful week last week, we had a very nice weekend. I went to a baby shower for my high-school friend, Janelle, in Owatonna on Saturday. It was great to see her and her beautiful baby bump! She is due on March 5th - and I wish her all the best with her new bundle! Sunday we went to the Charthouse in Lakeville for an afternoon wedding reception for my cousin, Elizabeth - aka, Buffy - and her new husband, Ryan. We had a wonderful time visiting with my family, some of whom we haven't seen for quite some time. The food was very awesome and very plentiful! Josie did *pretty* well, considering that she was missing her afternoon nap and was not too pleased about it. She had fun toodling around with Daddy - she is very fond of cruising around while holding onto someone's hands now. It's hilarious to watch as she either has her mouth open or tongue out the whole time! This walking business takes a lot of concentration! She was very tuckered out last night and definitely ready for bed.

I *think* we're all back on track health-wise, although Josie still has that hacky cough that she has battled for the past few weeks. She was diagnosed first with bronchitis and an ear infection, then with an upper respiratory infection (which is just a fancy cold, isn't it?) and an ear infection in the other ear, and was put on Omnicef both times. This last time, I don't think it did anything for her. So we'll probably have another trip to the doc this week to see what's going on. She needs to get healthy as she has not been able to have her 1 year appointment and updated immunizations yet!

That's all for now - back to work for me. Very tough to get back in the swing of things after a week out of the office!

Things That Make Me Happy When I'm 15 Weeks Pregnant

Thursday, February 09, 2006
My loving husband, who throws himself heart and soul into whatever task it at hand at the moment. Even if it is shopping for The Dreaded Family Minivan. :) Granted, it may take him awhile to get warmed up to the aforementioned task, but man, when he does - watch out.

Ice cream.

And Hershey's syrup. God Bless chocolate goo.

Ritz crackers dipped in ranch dressing. Not that wussy fat free dressing - I'm talking about thick, rich real ranch dressing. Yum.

Fat, fluffy snow flakes that cover up the dog bombs in our back yard. I know I said that I can't wait for spring... but that's one part of the spring thawing process that is not so pleasant.

The return of Survivor to CBS Thursdays. Ahhh. Reality tv. There's nothing quite like it ;)

Well, at least I'm not covered in vomit...

***Disclaimer: The following post has scenes which may be disturbing to vomit-sensitive individuals. Read at your own risk.***

Just me, at home, trying to be positive and think of some good things.

Not being covered in vomit is a good thing.

Let's go back a few days to Sunday night. Right smack in the middle of the Super Bowl, in fact. So we had returned home after having a lovely weekend at my Mom's celebrating some family birthdays. Josie had done fine all weekend - well, other than being a stinker in the church basement and not wanting to eat anything. So Patrick had caught a ride with the Gronaus to the annual Super Bowl party while Jo and I decided to stay home. I had just finished giving her her "night-time" bottle (yes - she's still getting a bottle, we're working on getting rid of it) when all of the sudden she sits up, belches a lovely burp and then explodes like Mount St. Josephine. I was completely taken by surprise, first of all by the fact that she was throwing up, and secondly, by the sheer volume of vomit coming out of her little body.

By the time I got my wits about me, she was done and was giving me a relieved little smile. Of course, also by this time, she was covered from head to toe, I was covered from the waist down, the couch had fallen victim to vomit as well as the coffee table and rug. Now I'm trying to figure out how the heck I'm going to get her undressed, bathed, dressed again, myself cleaned up and the furniture cleaned AND get her to bed... by MYSELF. How the heck to single parents do it? Well, after a frantic call to Pat and gently carrying Josie into the bathroom and stripping her down in the sink, I somehow managed to *somewhat* get the majority of the offensive mess cleaned up.

Apparently, she had contracted the flu somewhere. Monday morning brought another bout of throwing up, although much less in volume this time around. I spent the day Monday, and Tuesday, and that's right, Wednesday at home with a sick little girl. Tuesday morning I thought she was doing fine, but in the afternoon I couldn't get her to consume anything other than the artificially fruit flavored Pedialyte, which, by the way, she LOVED. So not wanting to send her daycare without knowing if she was indeed well again or not, I stayed home, again. She did finally eat yesterday, although she was still a little cranky and clingy and slept quite a bit.

Relief flooded over me Wednesday night as I anticipated a lovely day Thursday outside of this STINKY HOUSE and a return to work... BUT. My stomach started feeling queasy. And my head started to hurt. And sure enough, this morning I'm battling a low-grade fever. Figures - if someone, somewhere is sick, I'm going to be sick, too. And I'm SICK of it! So I managed to not go to work at all this week. I'm sure they're thrilled with me. Now, why didn't Pat stay home with her, you may be asking yourself? Well - it boils down to this. Pat works in sales, and sales lead to bonuses, and bonuses lead to more money, and more money leads to a happy checkbook balancer, i.e., me. So if he's not at work, he's not selling. And if he's not selling, he's not getting the big bonuses, and if he's not getting big bonuses, I think you get the picture.

Wow. I'm rambling. Can you tell I've been couped up for almost a WEEK at home with no adult interaction??! Well, other than Pat :) Man - this has been eye-opening. I don't know if I could stay home with 2 kids. I think I just may lose my sanity very quickly. So here I am, at home, supposed to be resting, but not, and trying to keep a positive attitude. But at least I'm not covered in vomit. :)

Frickin' Groundhog

Thursday, February 02, 2006
6 more weeks of winter?! Not the news I wanted, Punxsutawney Phil! I've got spring fever so bad this year. I suppose the fact that January was more like April this year just might contribute to that. And everyone around here is talking about baseball. And Josie smiles and smiles when we go outside, but it's just a little too chilly to hang out for any extended period of time quite yet. Hurry up spring!! I want to open the windows and let the stale, germ-infested air out of my house!

Supposedly, my baby is now the length of a lemon. While it's nice to have these handy fruit and veggie references to get a feel for the size of my growing little one, I can't help but actually think of my kid as being the aforementioned food reference. So right now, I'm picturing a happy little lemon with arms and legs floating around in my uterus. What's wrong with simply leaving it at "your baby is now approximately 3 1/2 inches long?" If I walked outside right now and went up to some Joe Schmoe on the street and said "Hey, Joe. Did you know that my baby is now the length of a lemon?" I highly doubt that he'd say "Oh! So about 3 1/2 inches, huh?" I don't think so. But come to think of it - maybe that's where the term "fruit of your loins" comes from. Sorry. Very random thoughts today :)

I'm having a lot of guilt this time around because I tend "forget" for large spans of time that I'm pregnant. This poor kid is going to have a complex before it's even born. It's hard to obsess over the progress of my pregnancy when I've already got one out in the world that I have to constantly watch to keep from tumbling off the couch, gouging the dog's eyes out and eating the newspaper. So I've made it a part of my morning routine to log on to Babycenter.com or some pregnancy-related site and read up at least a little bit on this baby.

That's all for now. I think it's time for lunch. Yum - food. And perhaps it's a Caribou day. Yum - expensive coffee drinks! Later, All!