Well, at least I'm not covered in vomit...

Thursday, February 09, 2006
***Disclaimer: The following post has scenes which may be disturbing to vomit-sensitive individuals. Read at your own risk.***

Just me, at home, trying to be positive and think of some good things.

Not being covered in vomit is a good thing.

Let's go back a few days to Sunday night. Right smack in the middle of the Super Bowl, in fact. So we had returned home after having a lovely weekend at my Mom's celebrating some family birthdays. Josie had done fine all weekend - well, other than being a stinker in the church basement and not wanting to eat anything. So Patrick had caught a ride with the Gronaus to the annual Super Bowl party while Jo and I decided to stay home. I had just finished giving her her "night-time" bottle (yes - she's still getting a bottle, we're working on getting rid of it) when all of the sudden she sits up, belches a lovely burp and then explodes like Mount St. Josephine. I was completely taken by surprise, first of all by the fact that she was throwing up, and secondly, by the sheer volume of vomit coming out of her little body.

By the time I got my wits about me, she was done and was giving me a relieved little smile. Of course, also by this time, she was covered from head to toe, I was covered from the waist down, the couch had fallen victim to vomit as well as the coffee table and rug. Now I'm trying to figure out how the heck I'm going to get her undressed, bathed, dressed again, myself cleaned up and the furniture cleaned AND get her to bed... by MYSELF. How the heck to single parents do it? Well, after a frantic call to Pat and gently carrying Josie into the bathroom and stripping her down in the sink, I somehow managed to *somewhat* get the majority of the offensive mess cleaned up.

Apparently, she had contracted the flu somewhere. Monday morning brought another bout of throwing up, although much less in volume this time around. I spent the day Monday, and Tuesday, and that's right, Wednesday at home with a sick little girl. Tuesday morning I thought she was doing fine, but in the afternoon I couldn't get her to consume anything other than the artificially fruit flavored Pedialyte, which, by the way, she LOVED. So not wanting to send her daycare without knowing if she was indeed well again or not, I stayed home, again. She did finally eat yesterday, although she was still a little cranky and clingy and slept quite a bit.

Relief flooded over me Wednesday night as I anticipated a lovely day Thursday outside of this STINKY HOUSE and a return to work... BUT. My stomach started feeling queasy. And my head started to hurt. And sure enough, this morning I'm battling a low-grade fever. Figures - if someone, somewhere is sick, I'm going to be sick, too. And I'm SICK of it! So I managed to not go to work at all this week. I'm sure they're thrilled with me. Now, why didn't Pat stay home with her, you may be asking yourself? Well - it boils down to this. Pat works in sales, and sales lead to bonuses, and bonuses lead to more money, and more money leads to a happy checkbook balancer, i.e., me. So if he's not at work, he's not selling. And if he's not selling, he's not getting the big bonuses, and if he's not getting big bonuses, I think you get the picture.

Wow. I'm rambling. Can you tell I've been couped up for almost a WEEK at home with no adult interaction??! Well, other than Pat :) Man - this has been eye-opening. I don't know if I could stay home with 2 kids. I think I just may lose my sanity very quickly. So here I am, at home, supposed to be resting, but not, and trying to keep a positive attitude. But at least I'm not covered in vomit. :)


MC said...

The Flu is such a bummer. No, it's much worse than that. Good luck staying sane! And thanks for answering all my questions ... as soon as I was thinking one, you just automatically answered it. I was wondering what was going on with My Daly Dose, now I know! Geesh, hang in there.

Anonymous said...

My dear daughter,
So sorry you are sick now~~~Sure hope it doesn't last long and I am glad Jo is feeling better.
Take care and I hope to see you on Sunday~~~~~Love, mom

Anonymous said...

yuck! i am very queasy when it comes to vomit. the smell, the noise, the actions-i cannot handle any of them. i can handle blood, poop, pus, amniotic fluid (no matter the color or odor), mucous, well, you get the picture. vomit is my weakness. when my patients vomit, it takes all of my energy not to just hand them a puke bucket and walk away. speaking of the stomach flu, it was down here two weeks ago. john and i had bowling last week friday and after bowling he went into the bathroom and puked -ew gross, at the bowling alley. he thought he would be ok for the 45 minute drive home. wrong. we pulled over three times before we got home so he could puke. and it continued through the night. saturday he slept most of the day (after getting up early to go into work where his boss told him to go home. hmmm. if he had only listened to his wife who told him not to go in). sunday he was back to normal. i never got pukie, but i did have diarrhea. i'll spare you those details. i still do not feel totally back to normal, though i am not puking and tthe poops have quit. so, hopefully you will be feeling better by the time the weekend is over. good luck.

Rebecca said...

Ugh. Sounds like a lovely bout of winter colds in the northern region!

Some days, when we really want to move back....like today...it makes me thankful that you all share these disgusting stories so we don't feel quite as homesick!