Things That Make Me Happy When I'm 15 Weeks Pregnant

Thursday, February 09, 2006
My loving husband, who throws himself heart and soul into whatever task it at hand at the moment. Even if it is shopping for The Dreaded Family Minivan. :) Granted, it may take him awhile to get warmed up to the aforementioned task, but man, when he does - watch out.

Ice cream.

And Hershey's syrup. God Bless chocolate goo.

Ritz crackers dipped in ranch dressing. Not that wussy fat free dressing - I'm talking about thick, rich real ranch dressing. Yum.

Fat, fluffy snow flakes that cover up the dog bombs in our back yard. I know I said that I can't wait for spring... but that's one part of the spring thawing process that is not so pleasant.

The return of Survivor to CBS Thursdays. Ahhh. Reality tv. There's nothing quite like it ;)


Rebecca said...

Adam says that Pat loses mega cool points for buying a minivan!

Nicole said...

Having a minivan just means you are cool in a whole different way. The - I have kids and my life revolves around them kinda way.
We have a van and like it, you could spend alot of energy fitting it but it is convinent, comfortable and efficent.

Anonymous said...

Having a mini-van just means you are grown up and responsible and are putting the best interests of your family first!!!!
I love my van and I don't even have kids at home anymore~~~~~~~~~~~~