Feeling Fuzzy

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I'm wearing a new sweater today. It's a fuzzy sweater as it's partially angora. Not super fuzzy or anything so I look like an electrocuted rabbit, but just comfy and soft. So I'm feeling pretty snazzy as one does when wearing a new shirt, until I stand up and realize that my formerly black pants (1 pair of about 8 that I own wear... oh... pretty much everyday!) are now covered in blue fuzzies. Darn it all. Oh - and I just lifted my arm and realized that the sides and underarms of the sweater are now all covered in blue pillies. Frickin' fuzzy shirts.

My belly has now officially popped out. MUCH sooner than the first time. Whew. I'm on my way to looking pregnant instead of just fat. :)

Happy V-Day!