One of THEM

Monday, October 31, 2005
I had a realization on Friday. Josie and I decided to go to the Mall of America. That's not the realization, just hold on a minute, I'm getting there. We had a great time strolling, people watching, and shopping. As we were milling around the mall, I realized that I have become one of THEM. You know- the Mall Moms. Cute babies in strollers, diaper bags in tow and trendy coffee drinks in hand, shopping and walking and amusing their little ones in the hopes that they can hit just ONE MORE store before a meltdown occurs. BB (that's Before Baby) I was one of the annoyed shoppers dodging strollers and rolling my eyes at wailing little ones. Now, I'm doling out sympathetic smiles at moms trying to calm down sobbing babies, casting furtive glances to see what brand of stroller they have and strutting proudly while my cute baby smiles and babbles at passers-by. I vaguely remember a time when I'd vehemently declare that I would never be one of THOSE parents who'd take a stroller to the state fair, or let my baby cry in a store- how annoying! Hmm. How quickly things change. I now realize I am one of THEM, and I'm quite proud of it. Now pass me a trendy coffee drink, I've got some strolling to do.


MC said...

I'm one of THEM, too! And I never saw it coming. Oh, well, whatta ya gonna do!
