The weather was absolutely beautiful this whole weekend- truly fall perfection. Friday night we got to enjoy a night out (thanks to Pat's mom for watching Josie-bean) at Chris and Mary's wedding reception. We had a great time, it was at the St. Paul College Club on Summit Avenue- a very unique, intimate setting. Did a little eating, a little drinking and a little dancing, and it felt so good to have a night away from home!

Yet another warm, sunny, beautiful day today. We went out to eat with Pat's aunt/godmother, Kathy and her husband, Randy. It's another tradition in the family to eat out on birthdays at an East Side restaurant called Governor's. The birthday boy or girl gets their meal for free and a free drink at the bar... and everyone in the Daly family loves the word free! :) As today was Kathy's birthday and would have been Grandma Daly's, too, it was a nice way to celebrate the day. After dinner, Pat, Josie and I made our way to Pine Tree Apple Orchard in White Bear Lake. That's right, Peg... PUMPKINS!! Josie absolutely loved her first pumpkin experience. Well, she probably liked grabbing at the weeds on the ground more than the pumpkins- but she had a ton of fun, nonetheless. Every new discovery and new experience is such a joy for Josie- it's impossible to resist getting caught up in the excitement and sharing it with her.
Oh, fall....I miss fall...
Glad you had fun on my birthday! I love the pumpkin patch! Josie is absolutely adorable!
Thanks for leaving comments, gals. I love getting these little treats from you all- makes me feel a little closer despite all the miles between us.
Okay- I'll turn off the anonymous comments restriction now... but be forewarned. If you don't tell me who you are, I'm not going to respond :) Sorry to put you through that, Peg... but now you'll be up and running for when you feel the need to blog with the rest of us!
whew! thank you for changing the settings! i agree, now i will be ready when the time comes that we do a blog. however, since i was frustrated because every word i tried for username, password or blog name was coming back with 'cannot use' messages, i finally typed in what i was eating at the time as my blog name, knowing that no one would have this as theirs. you ready for this...dehydratedapples. that is the name of my blog that finally went through. it weill need to be changed (i hope i can do that) when the time comes! dehydratedapples (all one word). can you believe it?! how silly! but at least it went through so i could leave a comment here!
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