Sorry to all of my avid fans (all 2 of you!) for not having more delightful entries to post as of late, but things have been hectic! Busy at work, busy getting ready for Christmas, and busy watching Josie mimic us. That's right - we cough, she "coughs." We sneeze, she *tries* to sneeze, but just ends up giggling instead. We wave, she waves. We put our arms up and say "so big," she puts her arms up. We sigh, she sighs. It's been awfully fun to watch her develop and constantly watch us for cues. She's scooting all over the house now, finding any little scrap of paper on the floor and trying to hide it from daddy when he tries to take it away before it goes in her mouth. She's ready and kneeling in her crib in the morning, just waiting for us to open the door and giving a delightful smile when she finally sees us.
We visited with Santa over the weekend, and it went surprisingly well. I expected a fat lip and some tears as she is going through some of the stranger anxiety right now, but I think she was too enthralled with the beard to be scared. Here's a picture for ya -

If I don't get a chance to write again before the weekend, have a very Merry Christmas! Travel safely and enjoy the holidays!
What an absolute cutie pie! Can't wait to see her and you guys in a week!
So, heard you EMAILED Peg!!! You've got guts, girl!
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