Evie loves to brush her teeth. All you have to say is "brush" and she comes running from wherever she is in the house. Usually it's a foot race between her and her sister for who can get on the step stool first.

Eddie and Evie on Josie's bed. They were adorable wrestling around. I won't be taking this so lightly in a few years. I hovered - making sure she didn't hurt him. She's kind of a bruiser, for such a peanut.

Eve giving Will a kiss. This was immediately after Will shoved Eve (in an effort to get her out of the way so he could get to the stuffed animals) and Eve bounced a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle off his head in retaliation. I think they parted on good terms.

The bathroom is one of the only rooms in our house that gets delicious sunshine around midday. Maybe that's why the girls were hanging out in there for so long.
I was searching for some corn starch in our pantry yesterday afternoon, and ended up with a mountain of bags of flour, powdered sugar and sugar all around me. I did, finally, find the corn starch - by the way. The girls were at the table having afternoon snack. Jo looks over and sees me struggling and searching and accumulating quite a catastrophe around me on the floor.
Jo: "Whoa. Mommy. I have to tell you something. (pauses for a couple of beats.) That's a giant mess."Eve looks up from her snack and sees the mess. Without missing a beat, she chimes in with the Barney song: "Clean up! Clean up!"
Josie and I were snuggling on the couch the other night. She likes to have me lay on my side with my legs bent, then she makes a "nest" on the couch in the crook of my legs. She got herself situated and told me, "Mommy. Please call me Honey. I'm Honey, the Nest Girl."
Eve has been dragging her blankie all over the house for the past couple of days, yelling "Pull! Pull!"
Josie pulled a no-napper on me yesterday. Both girls went down as usual - Eve conked out, but I could hear Jo singing songs to herself for about 40 minutes. Finally - she asked me to come back in and sing her a couple more songs. I left - and Eve woke up. They stayed in their respective beds for another half hour or so, just chatting and singing. And I had just told Meg earlier that morning that Jo was still a napper, and I didn't imagine that she was going to ditch them any time soon. Guess I spoke too soon. But an hour and a half of quiet time in her room is better than nothing.
Eve is big into baby dolls. She carries them around with her, comforts them, pretends to feed them, and now they "bite" her. She'll put her finger by their mouth, then pulls it away quickly while saying, "oh - ow!" and presenting it to me for a make-it-better kiss.
Ah. Everyone's asleep. I think I'll join them. Perhaps if I hibernate a while, I'll wake up and it will be spring.
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