Chipping away... slowly...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Another 2 lbs. gone. Sounds like a broken record - but I'll take it! I don't think I posted last week about how I had a bit of a rough week and only lost 0.2 lbs. A loss is a loss... but that was a measly one. So I kicked things up a bit for this last week - took the dog for a wog (that's a walk/jog) around Lake Phalen, made sure to work out both days last weekend, and added another flight of stairs to my work climb. I also religiously drank enough water each day and watched my calories a little closer. This was our week 9 weigh in... so we're closing in on the end of the 12 week challenge! I am now 10.8 lbs. away from my goal... crazy.


Dawn said...

Way to go Carol! You rock!

Tricia said...

That is awesome Carol! Losing weight can sometimes be very challenging, but it feels so good to get on that scale and see a smaller number. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Carolysue~~~~~~keep up the good work!! Mom