Don't. Have. To live like a refugee.

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Day 4.

It's cold in my heart. Cold in my sink. So very cold. In the bathroom, in the kitchen - the water is so cold. How I long for the warmth again. Will I ever feel the warmth again? It's a dark time in my life. A cold time. Someday, I dream that my dishes will be clean again. That my children will be clean again. A warm bath sounds so far away. I will never again take for granted the luxury of hot water. But now. I wait. I will wait for you, oh sweet water heater.

Yeah. Still no new water heater in the Daly home. That's all I'm going to say about that. Except that thank goodness for the graciousness of wonderful friends who will share their bounty of hot water with you so that you can bathe yourself. You know who you are.

And as I sit here typing this (I'm home today. I think I have a sinus infection. I see my doc later.) the washing machine is grinding and groaning and making truly horrific noises. Would anyone else like to line up at my front door and kick me in the shins? Feel free. Must be the season.