Princess Problems

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I don’t know where to start. Last time I checked in was Friday morning… so I guess that’s somewhere. Friday I invited myself and the girls over to the Gronau residence for a play date. It was snowing buckets (wait – I think buckets are only supposed to be used when referring to rain – oh, well,) but I couldn’t bear the thought of sticking around home for the whole day, and didn’t feel like driving too far in the snow. Jo gets a little antsy and likes to know “where we are going today.” So I bundled the kids, brushed the van, and bustled the 4 blocks in the blizzard. Friday night was book club. An evening filled with snacks and drinks and friends and all the loveliness that follows when the three are combined. Oh – and the book. Of course.

Saturday morning the girls and I dyed Easter eggs. Josie loves a project. It’s her favorite. Along with everything else, lately. Dressing up is her favorite. Irish dancing is her favorite. That green stuffed bunny that she hasn’t touched in 2 years is her favorite. Some cheesy romance paperback novel off my bookshelf is her favorite – remember, from when she was a little girl. Anyway - so we colored a couple dozen hard-boiled eggs (minus the few that I ate during the couple days prior) and Josie got to sticker them up any way she liked. Eve didn’t last long – she wanted to chuck the eggs into the cups from across the table, and then drink the “juice.” And since I’m all anal and wouldn’t let her turn coloring eggs into the game of Beirut that she wanted (there are a handful of you who will know what I’m talking about there) – she went off in pursuit of more fun endeavors. This suited Jo just fine. When we ran out of eggs, she wanted me to “find other things to color.”

I think I mentioned that our washing machine started sounding like someone was pulling its toenails out and sucker punching it right in the bread basket. And it wouldn’t drain. So I pulled out a few items, wringed out what water I could before my frozen hands felt like they were going to fall off and dried a few clothes at a time. Pat took a look at it on Saturday, used the wet vac to get the water out, consulted the internet gods and then called his uncle for help. They tore it apart and found one of my granny trouser socks stuck in the pump, clogging up the works. And now it’s happy again. Thank the internet gods. After the cost of getting the van fixed and buying a new water heater… we’d prefer to wait a bit before shelling out more dough for a new washer.

And meanwhile, during all this fun, Eve skipped another nap, and her poor little right eye starting getting all red and watery and gooey. This happened to her over Christmas, too – when she gets a cold, it seems to settle in her eyes and they get all gunk junky. It was getting pretty bad – so Pat ended up taking her to urgent care, and got her on meds. While they were off doing that – I decided to take Josie to her first movie in a theater. After a few recommendations for Horton Hears a Who! I thought I’d give it a try. She was pretty intrigued by the whole theater experience, of course, the popcorn helped. But we didn’t make it through the whole movie before she was asking to go home. I thought the movie was a bit boring, personally, but then again – I didn’t get to see the whole thing. I think it was a combination of being tired, and missing her sister that didn’t bode well. She kept asking about Evie during the ride home, and wondering why she wasn’t there with us. I was a little disappointed – well, a lot disappointed, as I don’t really get to do much with Josie alone. But she is more of a “live action” movie kid – and next time we’ll stick with the dollar theater, just in case.

Sunday… oh – yeah, Easter! We were up and found Easter baskets, and fed and dressed and made it to St. Jerome’s for 8:30 a.m. mass. Then we went to Gulden’s for brunch with Pat’s family, and back to his parents for an egg hunt in their basement. Home for naps, then over to the Dwelly residence to catch a quick visit with Ryan before he went back to college. It was kind of a bummer that it was snowy and wet and mushy outside – but Easter won’t be this early again for a long, long time. Josie did make it outside to use some of the bounty of bubbles that she got as Easter presents. It was a hectic one, but a really fun day. And the girls looked extra cute in their frilly dresses and Easter hats. I’ll post some pics sometime.

Here are some other random things that I wanted to make sure to get down:

· Josie was “reading” her new Princess book that she got in her Easter basket. She was reading it to herself at the kitchen table, then told me that I needed to sit down so she could read it to me. It went a little something like this:

“There was this princess, and she had a problem. And this princess had a problem. They needed to help her. And this princess. She had a problem. The end.”

Those Disney Princesses. And their problems.

· Grandma Dianne gave Josie this adorable little gold purse that used to be her mother’s. It’s now her most coveted possession. Her favorite, if you will. She wanted to take it to Betty’s today, and asked me if I would carry it to the car for her. She handed it over to me, with some trepidation regarding its safety. We started the freak show that is our procession out of the house and to the garage, and she kept looking over her shoulder at me. Each time, she’d throw out a warning: “Don’t drop it in the snow!” “Don’t let it get wet!” “Don’t put it in the tree!” Geesh. I carried HER around for months on end without dropping her in the snow or letting her get wet or putting her in trees. Where’s the trust?

· Eve has a shoe obsession. Not a bad obsession to have, mind you. She tries on everyone’s boots, shoes and sandals, and tests them out around the house. Sometimes, she’ll come out with only one on, then next time you see her, she’s found an entirely new pair to test drive. She found a pair of Lucy’s pink cowboy boots and managed to get one on. On her short little legs, they were more like a boot/chaps combo as they covered her entire leg. Super cute. She’ll try and try and try to do it herself, and usually manages. Especially helpful when we’re getting ready to gear up for outside – love having her put on her own boots!

· Eve is pouring out new words. I can’t remember them all – but I know we’ve heard “kitchen,” “napkin,” “lay down,” “awake,” “bad dog,” “be nice,” “we go,” “where’d it go,” “apple,” “my window, too…” That last one was in the car this morning. The girls watch for buses, and Josie always has to know whose window we see them out of. She was laying claim to all the buses – and Eve finally saw one – out “my window, too.”