For the love of PETE...

Friday, February 01, 2008
JUST GO TO SLEEP ALREADY, Genevieve Kathryn!!!

As I sit here, Eve is singing E-I-E-I-O, saying "uh oh," calling for me, calling for her Daddy, saying Josie's name... all the while, Jo is blissfully, quietly, contentedly... asleep. How she can sleep through all this is completely beyond me.

Wait... wait... can it be... I think I hear... nothing. THANK GOD. They're both asleep. I swear. I was going to have to go into the kitchen soon and crack a cold one. If I survive parenthood without a drinking problem, it's going to be a miracle. (I'm *mostly* kidding. Please don't plan an intervention. Yet. And seriously, I don't have the calories to spare right now to start drinking. Heavily.)

Belated congrats to Dawn and Gary on the birth of their beautiful daughter, Brynn. I can't wait to squish her little cheeks and put her little feet in my mouth! Okay, I won't actually put her feet in my mouth. But I'll want to. Love you guys!