Hello, Darlin'.

Sunday, February 17, 2008
It's nice to see ya. It's been a long time. Finally found the time to download some pictures today. Haven't showered or gotten dressed... but one thing at a time, right? Pardon the random nature of the pix. You get what you get and you don't have a fit. Various stuff from January, and the first part of February, I guess.

***Update - 2/18. Yeah. So we're idiots. Whichever one of us set the date on the camera last set it for 2007 instead of 2008. That's really going to throw us off in like 40 years. Dammit.



She's got places to go.

A "hat girl" through and through. Just like her sis.

Watch out. She might try to sell you a used car.

Apparently I'm not allowed to have picures of my kids without food on their faces.



The 3rd birthday party.

You can't see it, but I just shat myself. My new laptop.

Jo and Great Grandma Janet.

Busted. Doing what, I'm not sure.

Pretty Princesses.

I'm 3 today. Where are the presents?

Baby Will. He's going to be president someday. And Jo will still call him "Baby Will."

The Family.

Sesame Street Live.

Jeremy. The newest Sandeen. His brother, Matthew is in the red shirt in the party picture above.


The Gifts. Trevor and Paige, with Josie.

More friends. Vivian and Addy Jo.

Godfather Ryan.

I couldn't make up hair like this. I promise - I didn't do this on purpose. It has a mind of it's own.

This is all natural, too.