"Can I have a cupcake now?"

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Josie's words when we walked in the door at daycare this morning. She'd been talking all night and morning about the lovely pink frosted cupcakes she saw in a container at Betty's house before we left yesterday. Cupcakes for breakfast. The perfect day. Thankfully, Betty was on the same page as us, and told her that she needed to have breakfast, first. Then maybe lunch, and a nap, THEN a cupcake. *sigh* It just may be the longest day of Josie's little life.

Happy Valentine's Day! We're having a super-romantic day. Pat is going to have lunch with his supervisor's supervisor. Then we're going to get crazy and go have our taxes done this afternoon. That's hot.


Anonymous said...

OH!BOY! Taxes!! One of my favorite things~~Not the paying them~~It's the bookkeeping and numbers and all that business stuff I don't like! And numbers aren't so very romantic, either~~~~~mom