
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I've got a bug. An annoying little bug. I've got a tummy ache, and uh, don't want to be too far away from my own bathroom. If you know what I'm sayin'. Drives me crazy. There's so much to DO - unfortunately none of it is that close to my bathroom. At least I can sneak downstairs to switch laundry, so that's something. Rest assured - I'm not typing this from the bathroom.


We had a weekend in there somewhere, didn't we? Let's see... we went to Chatfield on Friday afternoon for a fast and frenzied overnight visit to see my brother, Steve, and his wife, Amy. They drove up for a long weekend from Cookeville, Tennessee. Saturday we came home, fed the girls some lunch, put 'em down for naps and that night went to a 50th bday party for Pat's aunt, Val. Sunday - uh, Sunday... Oh - our friend Dave came over and installed a baseboard heater in the dining room/Eve's room/playroom. Currently, it's still the playroom. If Eve doesn't straighten up, it may become her room, again - now that she won't freeze. She's decided to scoff at going to bed, again - and has kept her sister awake much past bedtime for the last couple of nights. *sigh* One night at a time, I guess.

Otherwise, same old. Gotta go. If you know what I'm sayin'.