Reunited, and it feels so good.

Friday, March 21, 2008
Thanks to Super Dave, aka Paige and Addy's Daddy - the glory of hot water has been returned to the Daly household. He'll never know the breadth of my gratitude this morning as I showered in my very own home. Maybe I'll let him sniff me sometime. That's just how clean I am.

The spring snow is falling - and Josie can't stop asking if it's summer yet. The girls got a lovely Easter package from Amma Ue yesterday. Inside were these bunny bubble wands, which I promptly dubbed "outside toys." So now Josie is holding her bubble wand, staring out the window, waiting for the snow to be gone. Speaking of the lovely Easter package - just how much chocolate does it really take to kill a dog, anyway? Because Brewster ate every ounce you sent, Mom. I left the box on the counter when I left the house yesterday - and when I returned, he had torn the box open, and eaten all the candy. Guess he's just looking out for my weight loss efforts. I could tell it was a crapload of chocolate - and it didn't seem to phase him one bit.

So I do indeed have a sinus infection. A couple doses of meds in me and I already feel TONS better. The girls both have little hacks of their own. If nothing else, Eve's raspiness has toned down the shrillness of her yelling. So that's something.

Out of nowhere the other night, Eve started having actual conversations with us. We'd ask her questions, and, miracle of miracles, she's answer with the real answer, and not just "no." So that's fun.

As I type this, I am wearing a pair of Josie's sunglasses, because, well, I was ordered to by her highness, because "it's almost summer out, Mommy, and I don't want the sun to hurt yours eyes balls."

The girls just got done watching Super Why. I can't even tell you how much I love this show. My kids really dig it, will sit and watch the entire thing the whole way through, and Josie can now totally recognize all the letters of the alphabet. It's just a warm, fuzzy, all-around good show. It's on at 8:30 am and 6:00 pm. You should watch it sometime.

The natives are getting restless. Gotta go.


Rebecca said...

Vivian LOVES SuperWhy! She's a little young to know her alphabet, but loves it nonetheless. (Actually, she knows the letters E, M, L, O) Hmm...rearranged and it is ELMO...hmm...