Eve is 18 months old!

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Hard to believe that my little doodle is already 18 months old.

Her new favorite word is "no." She usually delivers it in a series of three, "no, no, NO." Or as in the instance last night when I asked her if Josie could have a turn pushing the baby in the baby stroller, she mulled it over for a few moments, turned and looked at me and simply said, "No." And walked away.

She so loves to laugh. And loves her big sister. And loves to make her big sister laugh! They are a riot to watch play together. It's going to be hard to separate them when they are school-age.

And we are frequently reminded that "it's almost my birthday," from Miss Jo. We made a paper chain to count down to her birthday, because she loved the Christmas one so much. So this morning we were taking a ring off - we forgot to before bed last night, and after she took it off she said enthusiastically, "Merry Birthday!!" So fun.