Oh no you di'nt!

Monday, January 14, 2008
Eve, who will be 18-months-old on the 17th, just up and decided that she would prefer not to nap yesterday afternoon. Seriously, kid. Who do you think you are? A 6-year-old? Talk about throwing the earth off it's axis - my afternoon was all out of whack. What in the world are afternoons for if not to revel in the peace and quiet of a midday slumber? I know, I know. Someday - my children will no longer require naps. I'm choosing to file this away with other "Things I Care Not to Discuss," like how someday my girls will want to do other absurd things like go to school, not hold my hand in parking lots and poop without my knowledge. So in order to quiet the house and salvage what naptime Jo had left, Evie and I bundled up and went shopping. Oh, sure... being urgently requested by my youngest daughter to pick up merchandise that had fallen to the floor in Factory Card Outlet or else her head might explode was tons more fun than remaining cuddled up on the couch under a blanket reading a book.