Kings and Vagabonds

Monday, October 08, 2007
Don't get me wrong - I love Sir Elton. BUT - his rendition of "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" gets STUCK. IN. MY. HEAD. For days. Not all of it, either, which would be a little more tolerable, but mostly just the phrase, "kings and vagabonds," but you have to say like this: "kingsh and vagabondsh," in a very low, very Sean Connery tone. If I'm being perfectly honest (and I don't mean to be rude) - it's utterly horrible. In case you couldn't tell - "The Lion King" is on the most frequently played list at our place lately.

I'm flippin' tired today. Stupid rain doesn't help.

Neither does a jam-packed weekend. We:

celebrated Mom's birthday on Friday at my sis's house in Chatfield, took the girlies to Underwater Adventures at MOA on Saturday, visited Aamodt's Apple Orchard on Sunday morning, then went to a post-marathon party to honor Jean's completion of the Twin Cities Marathon yesterday.
OH - and how could I forget??! I lived the "suite"-life (sorry.) in our company suite Thursday night for the home opener of the Minnesota Wild season. And they won. And I went out for a beer (or two.) with a friend from work afterwards. And that late night was probably the kicker as it started off the busy weekend.

Good times. I haven't visited my friends at Caribou in ages... hmm... gotta go. :)


Unknown said...

How dare you insult the genius creations of Sir Elton! ;) When that movie came out I was graduating from high school (come to think of it, you were too!) and I spent a lot of time in shopping malls. So I always sing it "...Kingsh and Cinnabonsh..."

Rebecca said...

Score! WILD hockey season! If you guys ever need people to go to games with, or just watch them on tv., we're there!

Sorry, girls, but I'm not a huge E. John fan. The Lion King thing, for me, is tolerable. I just can't do that Benny and the Jets thing....ugh. That song is horrid.

Unknown said...

Benny and the Jets IS horrid. Not a big fan of Crocodile Rock, either. I agree. But come on! Rocket Man? Your Song? Levon!?!? Someone Saved My Life Tonight!??!!

Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza!!!