15 Months and what do you get?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Eve turned 15-months old a couple of weeks ago. I forgot to post her stats:

Weight - 19 lbs, 13 oz. 10th percentile.
Height - 29 1/2 in. 25th percentile.
Head - 95th percentile.

A ginormous head, and itty-bitty body. :) The doc suspects that part of her teensy-ness is due to her lactose intolerance and being on soy milk instead of whole milk. We're supposed to increase the fats in her diet... but it's tough when all she wants to eat is hot dogs. Developmentally, she's ahead of the game on everything, so no worries there. I'm convinced her over-sized noggin is due to all the scar tissue build-up from her falling and bumping her head all of the time. Okay - not really, but her poor cranium does take more than it's fair share of knocks.

Eve is crazy fun. And a challenge - but she's so stinkin' cute, it's easy to forget the challenges. She lights up a room with her big smile. And she can shatter all the glass in that same room with her scream. And she'll do both within a minute of each other - so you never quite know what you're in store for. She's quick to laugh, and just as quick to cry. I choose to believe that her strong will means that she'll always speak her mind and stand up for herself. I have to believe that, or I just might go insane.

She's added a ton of words to her vocab - she'll try to repeat just about any word you say to her - or simple phrases from songs. She points to everything and wants you to say what it is. We read about 3 or 4 books with her before bed, and she's very particular about the order in which you read them. I stack them up on the footstool, pick one, and she pushes it aside and points to the one she wants instead. She's been sleeping pretty well - she fusses at night a few times, but rarely do we have to go in. The last couple of mornings, we've had to wake her - which is a huge change for us. I've never really been able to watch her sleep before. She's a snuggler. But when she's done, she's done and you'd better set her down fast so she can run away and play.

She runs everywhere. She loves her sister and follows her all over the house. She carries around a baby doll, because Josie does. She wants to color, because Josie does. But, man - can they fight. And yet - each of them wants to know where the other is at all times. They like to brush their teeth together - Eve will drop whatever she's doing and run to the bathroom and climb up on the step-stool at the sink and wait for you to get her toothbrush ready. She follows simple commands - she'll put something away if you ask her to, or go find Daddy, or tickle the kitty.

We played in the leaves last night in the front yard. Josie loved it. She called the leaf pile her home. Eve was scared of more than one leaf in one place at a time. She cried and cried when we put her in the leaf pile. Night and day, those two.

Oh - and I also forgot to mention that we took the girls to Como Zoo Boo on Sunday. Awesome weather for the kids to be out in their costumes. I wish we'd have the same weather tomorrow... sounds like they'll have to bundle up. I have to say, my little bears are awfully cute. I'll post some pix soon. That was a really fun event - I think we'll definitely go back again in years to come. The girls weren't sure what to think of the whole thing at first - but then they got into it after a while. Josie got pretty good at holding her bag open for treats. Eve got good at finding trash on the ground and handing it to me.