Too much of this...

and these...

leads to this...

Happy Monday.
OH - additions to Evie's vocab list over the weekend...
good girl
tickle tickle (she's been saying this one for a while - I just forgot to write it down.)
OH (part 2) - I love those moments when Pat and I have the opportunity to witness something comical and share a raised-eyebrow look before we both bust up in laughter.
This morning's example was Jo standing on her step stool at the bathroom sink, brushing her teeth. She can't quite manage the faucet on the sink by herself, so will usually impatiently hold her toothbrush under the faucet while she waits for one of us to turn it on for her. Whomever is helping her at the moment is typically otherwise preoccupied, either readying themselves, or holding Eve. Jo has a habit of whining when she wants something, and we're working on having her "use her words."
Well, a while ago, Pat told her not to whine when she wants the faucet turned on, but to tell him, "rinse, please" instead. So in her interpretation of that request, she now holds her brush under the faucet and says, "RIIIINNNNSE!" in a surprisingly loud, drill sergeant voice.
At least she's using her words. I guess. Now onto manners... :)
HI larious!
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