Let's Give the Boy a Hand!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006
A Big Congratulations to Patrick for being offered and accepting a job in the Agricultural and Association Sales Department! After toiling away in the Life and Health Sales Center for almost 6 1/2 years, he decided to venture out and move on up to the penthouse of the 401 Building, the 13th floor... where he'll join the likes of esteemed colleagues such as one Mr. Joel Gronau (although, they will be in different departments, which is probably a good thing!) This could be dangerous - I don't know if the 13th floor knows what's in store for them! Way to go, hon - I'm very proud of you!


MC said...

Congrats! Hopefully, it means bigger paychecks, too! :-)

Your title brings back memories. Thanks, can't get it outta my head now.

CarolSue said...

Bigger paychecks, yes. Gotta pay for that minivan somehow :)

I know - sorry about that. It's going through my head, too. Let's hear it for my baby!! You know you gotta understand!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to P.D.!!!! Hope he likes it a lot!!

Rebecca said...