Miscellaneous stuff on a Friday afternoon

Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy St. Patty's Day! Josie and I went downtown to meet up with Pat and some of his new co-workers (funny, because they're some of my "old" co-workers) at lunch today to take in the annual parade in St. Paul. Basically a bunch of Irish families, social groups and bagpipers walking in groups up 4th street, along with a LOT of drunken parade-watchers and those who wish they were partaking of the drinking but are merely on break from work. It's a good time that brings back a lot of memories of younger, more care-free, pre-kid and pre-pregnancy days!

Um - let's see. I had my 20 week appointment yesterday. Dr. Rolando said that the ultrasound pix from last week looked good. But. They are a little concerned about the size of baby's kidneys. So I'm scheduled for a follow-up ultrasound in 3 weeks. Dr. R is sure everything is fine, some babies just have bigger kidneys, but wants to stay on top of the situation in case there could be something wrong. If this u/s shows similar results, then they may request another, more specialized u/s that can look specifically at particular regions. Otherwise, everything was normal - my bp was 120/76, weight up 1 lb from previous visit (yahoo!,) tummy measuring at 21 cm, and baby heartbeat right on 150. Oh - and babycenter.com says baby is the size of a large sweet potato. I know you all are dying for those wonderful fruit and veggie updates!

Josie is a tornado. She is in to everything from the various garbage cans around the house to the books on the shelves in her room. Her job is not complete until everything within reach is strewn all over the floor. Then she is satisfied and can move on to the next project! She is getting good at also putting things back... but that's not nearly as fun. :(

She is loving her books right now. And mommy is loving that she's loving her books! She will often scoot away from us and crawl (not walk, yet, you'll notice) into her room and just sit for quite a long time on the floor looking at her books. Her favorite is "Good Morning, Good Night." A touch and feel bedtime book. Illustrated by Melanie Mitchell. You'll probably notice that we read this one a lot. A. Lot.

Patrick's new job is going great. So far, he is really enjoying it. I think he'll be a wonderful fit for his position and is going to get along fabulously with his new co-workers. Oh - funny story. His first day was Wednesday. Someone walked around asking who wanted to put in a dollar to play the Daily 3. He said sure and put in his numbers. Well - I guess they've never really won much before, but on Mr. DALY'S first day playing the DAILY 3, they won $500!! There were 10 people in the pool, so each got a lovely $50. Hope that's a sign of the good luck he's going to have from now on!

Pictures to come soon. I promise. Maybe tonight after Josie goes to bed or tomorrow when Pat's around. Darn dial-up stinks for posting pix from home. Gotta go. Toddler getting very impatient at the lack of attention!


Rebecca said...

I was just looking at pictures 2 days ago of us all at the St. Patty's Day parade. Remember when Adam jumped in it? Good times.

Sounds like Pat will fit in well in his new job. Wahoo!

Can't wait to see new pictures!