The laundry is not folding itself, as I was so hoping it would.
We celebrated Grandma Dianne's birthday yesterday by having dinner at Cosetta's, then going back to Grandma and Grandpa's house to play outside and have cake and ice cream. By the way - Patrick makes a mean spice cake. Topped with Grandma Daly's cream cheese frosting, which adds inches to your backside just by being in the same room with it. Josie always starts to chatter away just a bit before we are getting ready to head out. Last night, she was asking Auntie Sara when she was going to come to our house, as she always does. As an added enticement, she told Brian and Sara that if they came to our house, "we have lots of vacuums." So remember that - if you're coming to our house, be prepared to do some spring cleaning.

Josie's getting ready to exercise, while wearing Mommy's shoes.

So serious.

Caught Eve doing... whatever this is... to her play vacuum cleaner this morning. I don't even know what to say.
Alright. The quiet is getting a little eerie. I'm going to go fold those clothes and turn on the radio. I used to really dislike Sundays. But lately, Sunday and I have developed a nice little relationship. She's not nearly as annoying as I used to find her. We've made peace with one another. Perhaps it's the fact that she allows me to nap on occasion. That will certainly move you up a notch in my book.
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