I think it's past my bedtime.

Monday, April 14, 2008
As I begin this post - it's 9:11 pm. I often look at the clock at precisely 9:11 - and it always freaks me out a little bit. Is that odd? It's not like I've noticed consistently looking at the clock at like 4:27, or something. Maybe I do, and 9:11 just has such a different connotation now, that I can't help but notice. Little bit sad.

Eve is still ranting in her crib, and no doubt, Josie is in there shushing her until her little lips are ready to fall off. Insane? Yes. Over-tired? Yes. Am I going to do anything about it? NO. Oh - now here we go with the "Daddy!? Where are you?" cheer. I think it's going to be a long night.

Conversations during the bedtime ritual tonight:

Josie: "Daddy, Mommy - I can't find my book. My favorite book. The puppy book. The little puppy book, you know with the puppies..." (looks in her bookshelf, to no avail.) "It's my favorite book. You know - it has the two - no, three puppies." (now is working on holding up three fingers to really drive home her point.) "It used to be right here." (sitting on the floor, forlornly staring at the spot in her bookshelf where the book apparently used to be.) "It was my favorite book."

Me and/or Pat, I don't remember which: "We'll look for the book another night. Let's pick a different book tonight."

Josie: "Well. We can read this book. It's my favorite! Oh - and the puppy book. With the two - no, three, puppies. You know. My favorite."

We had now moved into the singing portion of the bedtime ritual. I was snuggling in the rocker with Josie while Pat was holding Eve. (This was after Eve announced that Josie and I should get out of the chair so that she and Daddy could sit there - not in so many words, but that was the point.)

Josie: "Mommy. Lookit."

Me: "What? Look at what?"

Josie: pulling up her pajama bottoms, which kept scooting down, revealing her adorable little plumber's butt. "My butt keeps looking at us!"

Ah. There. Ignoring them worked - I hear the blissful sounds of nothing. Lazy parenting. Gotta love it.

I'm itching to change up the template on my blog, again. So be patient with me during the next couple of days if I decide to play around with it a little bit. I know kinda what I want - but am having trouble finding it, or figuring out how I can make it happen. And it doesn't help that I don't know much about anything html-y or css-y code-speak or whatever it is you would need to know to do anything yourself.

I'm done. Good night. More later.