Braxton Hicks

Thursday, May 18, 2006
And no, I'm not talking about the contractions. This is actually the new name that my husband has decided to call Taylor Hicks, the American Idol finalist! First, it was "Randy." I'm not sure why Taylor seemed like a "Randy" to him, especially since there is already a real Randy on the show, but that's what he insisted on calling him. Now this morning, I was giving Pat an AI update on the way to work, and "Braxton" Hicks is the new name he came up with. I think we might have pregnancy on the brain!

Now, you all know that I am a self-proclaimed reality tv show junkie. But last night was ridiculous. I didn't know what to do, with the season finales of America's Next Top Model and The Amazing Race on head-to-head at 7:00, then the final hour of The Amazing Race, American Idol results show AND Lost (okay - not a reality show, but still a must-see) all on at 8:00. Whew. That was a rough one. :) But I survived, so don't worry.

Miss Josie is a girl on the go these days. She loves to get her coat and hat and head out the door for the next adventure, whatever that may be. She has started to become quite stressed when one of us gets ready to leave and doesn't take her with. Last night she laid a major guilt trip on Daddy as he was rushing out the door to softball and she was standing at the screen door pressing her face up against it crying when he left. She schmooshed her little face as much as she could to watch him go down the sidewalk to the garage. Talk about heart-wrenching. And talk about stressful for me... especially as I gear up for a girl's weekend retreat with my bookclub friends. I'm completely torn between extreme emotions as I am sooooo looking forward to a weekend getaway with wonderful friends, but yet sooooo sad to miss an entire weekend of fun with Josie. I know - it's only one weekend and I deserve a much-needed break (at least, this is what I keep telling myself for justification purposes.) I just love waking up on the weekends to a happy girl that gets to sleep in and loves to see her mommy and daddy come in to get her in the morning. If you can't tell, this will be the first full weekend I've spent away from her. :( But on the other hand, alone time with my friends is hard to come by these days, and is only going to get harder with baby #2 on the way. So in the end, I am very much looking forward to a relaxing weekend of talking, laughing and sitting around enjoying some "me" time!!