Exercise your right...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006
... to help name our baby. There are new girl names to vote on. And you can now vote for more than one choice, if you wish. I thought this might be necessary since the list is getting longer instead of shorter. Ugh.

Again, we're still open to suggestions. But don't bother suggesting Sierra Misty, because Pat's brother already did - and I had to shoot him down. Sorry. But if you're pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, please, feel free to use it. ;)

And let me explain my reasoning behind Eleanor. I think it's kinda classy - and before you say "wait a minute... Ellie Daly, I don't think so!," it wouldn't have to be Ellie for short, it could be just Elle. Which isn't so bad. Or Nora - which, yes, Pat doesn't like, so my chances of winning on this name are slim to none. But I still like it. So there.


Rebecca said...

Carol---It doesn't appear that your poll is working too well. There seem to be a lot of tie votes. tsk tsk. Well, that happened to us too...

We STILL haven't picked a name! Any last suggestions???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
