We are SO lucky.
Overall, Josie is such a good girl. We dragged her all over the place over the weekend running various errands, getting her picture taken at Penney's, picking out new rollerblades for Pat, meeting friends for lunch... and she didn't complain at all. Granted, she is finding new ways to

test us - rubbing food all over her head, dropping food on the floor

(on purpose, all the while looking at us to see our reaction,) and throwing her leg repeatedly over the side of her wagon while on a walk after I freaked out that she was going to fall out. I know this is just the beginning, and I know that it's all in exploration of the cause - effect relationship to see what our, well, mainly MY, reaction will be. So I'm getting good, okay - better, at withholding my freaking- out response and trying not to give a reaction at all since that's all she's looking for.

She's a stinker, but such a

good-natured stinker :)
And yes... Peg and Becky... we will get a picture of my belly up here for you soon, I promise!
The pics are ADORABLE--kinda gross how she open mouth kisses Brewster! Can you feel the love???
Those are some cute "Peg" pants she has on at the park!
I love the pic of her and that cat!
I think she gets her kissing style from the dog - she sticks her tongue out before she gives anyone a kiss, probably because he's always licking her!
Those are Peg pants, you're right!! I should have had her wear them with some crazy orange Halloween socks :) Love ya, Peg!
Josie is so cute!!! Beginning to take after her maternal relatives more and more I think!!!
Hmm. I wonder which side of the family Anonymous Commentor is from? Mom - any guesses? :)
Super cute pictures Carol, I think you guys have a new neighborhood watch going with Josie and the cat. No worries around your place.
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