9 months. I can't believe it. Of all the cliches floating around out there, "time goes by so fast once you have kids" is the one that has rung the most true for me. She's been out in the world for as long as she was inside me now, and it feels like I barely blinked. The months turn into minutes, the weeks into seconds.
Our happy little baby is turning into a happy little girl! She is so aware of herself and her surroundings now, loves to play peek-a-boo and smirks when the tickle-monster is on the way to get her. Her new favorite toy is a plastic serving spoon from our drawer- it is true that the best toys are the everyday items you find around the house! Bathtime is funtime... she can splash Mommy or Daddy, and her voice sounds very cool in the echo-ey shower! It's always an adventure to go in and get her in the morning as we never quite know where she'll end up in her crib, will she be on her tummy or her back? Will there be an arm or a leg sticking out- or both?! So much fun, so much to learn, so much to look forward to! The first 9 months have been a treat- I can't wait for the next!
happy birthday josie! halloween is just around the corner! hope your parents are working on making a creative costume for you! what are you going to be? a punkin is always a good idea! i was a punkin two years ago! it looks like you are sharing my love of punkins!
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