Eyes open. Arms up. Enjoy the ride.
The cotton fluff floated through the air and seven kids ran through the yard in swimsuits, soaking up the sun as it played hide and seek under the clouds, and another kicked and watched the fun from the safety of a stroller parked in the shade.
What struck me today, as I sat in the grass with girlfriends while we watched our kids play, was all the images I've been missing out on - the every day moments that can't be recreated and that I was too hurried and too frazzled to realize were occuring in my previous life. I didn't even take the camera out of my bag today. There was no need. I didn't miss a thing.
Josie, red hair toussled over her shoulder, watching from a distance while she gauged the safety of the situation before deciding to join in the fun.
Eve, wrapped up in a towel, little toes and bright eyes poking out, trying to dry off and stay warm and deny how much she'd like to curl up in the grass and take a nap.
I'm filled with gratitude tonight. For the opportunities in front of me, the support behind me, and mostly, for the realization that it was time to stop and take a look around at all of it before it was too late. I only hope I can remember this feeling in the tough moments.
It's been a while since I've shared images with the internet. Here are some highlights from the past 4 months or so.
OMG! That picture of Josie in those black boots is PRICELESS!
That was totally my fav also!!! You'll have to keep that one around.
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