... this kind of stuff gets me real fired up. Brain and Behavior was by far my favorite class in college. I think I was a neuroscientist in a former life. Synapses and serotonin and protein synthesis... ahhh...
And, you may or may not find me watching videos here during naptime. Maybe it helps that I have a bit of a crush on Liev Schreiber, who narrates some episodes.
I've embraced my inner nerd.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The house is still. Well, except for the hum of the greatest invention on earth... air conditioning.
I'm suddenly regretting the decision to forego napping in favor of internet browsing, and I fear the stillness will be over momentarily. Or perhaps as soon as I'd drift off, if I did decide to get comfy on the couch.
I'm still loving being home.
We're still out and about and having tons of fun.
We're still in the process of all things potty training-related.
I'm still waiting to find out if Jo will be placed in the a.m. or p.m. preschool session at the school we were accepted to this coming fall.
I feel like we're all doing really well with our new arrangement, but I'm still waiting to wake up and have to head back to the big building at the intersection of 6th and Robert.
The girls still amaze me every day. Monday morning Josie asked me, in all seriousness and with wide eyes and quiet voice, "...if when we cry, our hearts cry, too." Eve was playing with an imaginary friend (named Dora) this morning. She got really mad when Josie "squished Dora" on the couch while she was trying to read a story to her.
And... the laundry is still waiting for me. *sigh* More later.
I'm suddenly regretting the decision to forego napping in favor of internet browsing, and I fear the stillness will be over momentarily. Or perhaps as soon as I'd drift off, if I did decide to get comfy on the couch.
I'm still loving being home.
We're still out and about and having tons of fun.
We're still in the process of all things potty training-related.
I'm still waiting to find out if Jo will be placed in the a.m. or p.m. preschool session at the school we were accepted to this coming fall.
I feel like we're all doing really well with our new arrangement, but I'm still waiting to wake up and have to head back to the big building at the intersection of 6th and Robert.
The girls still amaze me every day. Monday morning Josie asked me, in all seriousness and with wide eyes and quiet voice, "...if when we cry, our hearts cry, too." Eve was playing with an imaginary friend (named Dora) this morning. She got really mad when Josie "squished Dora" on the couch while she was trying to read a story to her.
And... the laundry is still waiting for me. *sigh* More later.
Phenomenal Cosmic Power... Itty Bitty Living Space
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Today, in the freezer aisle at Rainbow Foods in Oakdale, I held true power in my hand. It came in the form of two containers of Breyer's ice cream (on sale this week 2/$5.00, of course,) and with these creamy, delicious miracles... I could get pretty much anything I wanted from my offspring.
In hindsight, I probably could have tested it out and tried for a couple of jumping jacks or a back rub or something, but I settled for having them get back in the car cart and get along with each other. The threat of not getting any ice cream can make Josie move faster than her daddy on his way to a clearance rack with a half-off coupon.
With the decision to stay home, comes a whole array of Things I Didn't Consider. Like how fast consumables such as toilet paper, dishwasher liquid and milk would fly off our shelves. And how much more annoyed I'd be by unfinished projects around our itty bitty living space, now that I'm staring at them all day long. And how an adult conversation... wait, let me rephrase that, lest you start rumors about how I'm finding some extra income for TP and milk, a conversation WITH an adult... well, let's just say talking with someone who doesn't need you to go back through your conversation and explain the meaning behind each of the words can become a very big highlight of my day. Don't get me wrong - I'm still loving every aspect of our new arrangement. I'm tired in a whole new way at the end of each day, and feel content in a way I've never known before. There's just lots for me still to learn.
OH - in other breaking Daly Life news... Eve put a big ole number 2 right in the potty today. Yessss! We're close, so close. Now that's a birthday present I'll bet Pat never thought to wish for. :)
In hindsight, I probably could have tested it out and tried for a couple of jumping jacks or a back rub or something, but I settled for having them get back in the car cart and get along with each other. The threat of not getting any ice cream can make Josie move faster than her daddy on his way to a clearance rack with a half-off coupon.
With the decision to stay home, comes a whole array of Things I Didn't Consider. Like how fast consumables such as toilet paper, dishwasher liquid and milk would fly off our shelves. And how much more annoyed I'd be by unfinished projects around our itty bitty living space, now that I'm staring at them all day long. And how an adult conversation... wait, let me rephrase that, lest you start rumors about how I'm finding some extra income for TP and milk, a conversation WITH an adult... well, let's just say talking with someone who doesn't need you to go back through your conversation and explain the meaning behind each of the words can become a very big highlight of my day. Don't get me wrong - I'm still loving every aspect of our new arrangement. I'm tired in a whole new way at the end of each day, and feel content in a way I've never known before. There's just lots for me still to learn.
OH - in other breaking Daly Life news... Eve put a big ole number 2 right in the potty today. Yessss! We're close, so close. Now that's a birthday present I'll bet Pat never thought to wish for. :)
Today is the eve of the seven months where he can't say that I'm a year older than him.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Tomorrow, Patrick Daly turns 33.
Sure, sometimes he still gets carded at the bar.
But, seriously - look at that face.
He can talk at length with my 90-year-old grandmother about baseball, and the Twins' latest win/loss. Secretly, I think she may love him more than she loves me. But that's okay. I don't blame her. :)
He is the reason our girls laugh their true belly-laughs, love to sit and watch a hockey game and know what an "on sale" sticker is at the grocery store.
He is the reason I'm able to be sitting at home, at 1:40 in the afternoon on a Tuesday, listening to one of our girls taking a nap. The other, not so much.
Happy Birthday. And thank you for all the reasons you give me every single day to love you so much.

Sure, sometimes he still gets carded at the bar.
But, seriously - look at that face.
He can talk at length with my 90-year-old grandmother about baseball, and the Twins' latest win/loss. Secretly, I think she may love him more than she loves me. But that's okay. I don't blame her. :)
He is the reason our girls laugh their true belly-laughs, love to sit and watch a hockey game and know what an "on sale" sticker is at the grocery store.
He is the reason I'm able to be sitting at home, at 1:40 in the afternoon on a Tuesday, listening to one of our girls taking a nap. The other, not so much.
Happy Birthday. And thank you for all the reasons you give me every single day to love you so much.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The rollercoaster ride continues, and today was a day at the top of the hill - all about fun.
Eyes open. Arms up. Enjoy the ride.
The cotton fluff floated through the air and seven kids ran through the yard in swimsuits, soaking up the sun as it played hide and seek under the clouds, and another kicked and watched the fun from the safety of a stroller parked in the shade.
What struck me today, as I sat in the grass with girlfriends while we watched our kids play, was all the images I've been missing out on - the every day moments that can't be recreated and that I was too hurried and too frazzled to realize were occuring in my previous life. I didn't even take the camera out of my bag today. There was no need. I didn't miss a thing.
Josie, red hair toussled over her shoulder, watching from a distance while she gauged the safety of the situation before deciding to join in the fun.
Eve, wrapped up in a towel, little toes and bright eyes poking out, trying to dry off and stay warm and deny how much she'd like to curl up in the grass and take a nap.
I'm filled with gratitude tonight. For the opportunities in front of me, the support behind me, and mostly, for the realization that it was time to stop and take a look around at all of it before it was too late. I only hope I can remember this feeling in the tough moments.
It's been a while since I've shared images with the internet. Here are some highlights from the past 4 months or so.

Eyes open. Arms up. Enjoy the ride.
The cotton fluff floated through the air and seven kids ran through the yard in swimsuits, soaking up the sun as it played hide and seek under the clouds, and another kicked and watched the fun from the safety of a stroller parked in the shade.
What struck me today, as I sat in the grass with girlfriends while we watched our kids play, was all the images I've been missing out on - the every day moments that can't be recreated and that I was too hurried and too frazzled to realize were occuring in my previous life. I didn't even take the camera out of my bag today. There was no need. I didn't miss a thing.
Josie, red hair toussled over her shoulder, watching from a distance while she gauged the safety of the situation before deciding to join in the fun.
Eve, wrapped up in a towel, little toes and bright eyes poking out, trying to dry off and stay warm and deny how much she'd like to curl up in the grass and take a nap.
I'm filled with gratitude tonight. For the opportunities in front of me, the support behind me, and mostly, for the realization that it was time to stop and take a look around at all of it before it was too late. I only hope I can remember this feeling in the tough moments.
It's been a while since I've shared images with the internet. Here are some highlights from the past 4 months or so.
My new office has a window view
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
As I sat cross-legged on the bathroom floor today staring straight ahead at a toilet very in need of a honest-to-goodness scrubbin, I realized that... this is it. THIS is what my life has come to. My new cubical is the bathroom. It's where I'm spending the majority of my time at home, thus far, in the throes of a not-so-successful potty training experience with Eve. We've been workin' it for a while now, and I still feel like the light at the end of the tunnel is about as close as... frickin' A - I can't even think of anything clever. It sucks, and it's nowhere near over. Rewards, encouragement, tears, screaming... none of it working. We can't get that kid to drop her kids off at the pool for nothin'.
I know someday we'll be prancing about town in our big girl undies like nobody's business, nary a worry about pee-pee accidents on our minds. But for now, I'll be hanging out on the bathroom floor. And not in a good way.
I know someday we'll be prancing about town in our big girl undies like nobody's business, nary a worry about pee-pee accidents on our minds. But for now, I'll be hanging out on the bathroom floor. And not in a good way.
Parenting is Exhausting
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Week One is done. And we're all still alive.
Exhausted, but alive.
There was a lot of laughter, and a few tears, I won't lie. Thursday was the toughest day - Eve has taken the art of the screaming fit to a whole new level, and after a solid bout on Thurs. a.m., I couldn't take it anymore. I walked into the bathroom, sat on the edge of the tub and let it go. So we all cried it out together for a few minutes, and then we moved on. We didn't have any playdates planned for our first week at home - and this is the first time I can say that just the three of us have spent such an intensive block of time together.
And, for the first time in my life, I feel what I can only describe as being more at peace with myself than I ever have been before. Perhaps that means that I've finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up... a mom. Makes me wonder what I was doing bothering with all the other stuff when it was right there in front of me the whole time.
I think this summer is going to be an Adventures in St. Paul kind of summer. I've forgotten how much I really love this city. I can't wait to explore it with my girls.
A recap (for posterity's sake) of my first week as a SAHM, btw... it was pretty much 72 and sunny every single day:
Monday - We met up with Daddy over his lunch break for a jog/walk on the river path, and a picnic lunch.
Tuesday - Library day, followed by lunch on the patio in the backyard, and a full afternoon of working/playing in the yard. No naps!
Wednesday - We visited Betty's house in the a.m.. and lunched outside, again.
Thursday - Checked out the playground at Harriet Island. Headed downtown for a picnic lunch date with Daddy in Mears Park.
Friday - the girls headed off to Grandma/Grandpa Dalys' house for the day while Pat and I (finally) painted their rooms. Pink for Eve, and purple for Jo. Eve, upon seeing her room when she returned, said - "it's so very PINK!" And she's right. Pepto Bismol comes to my mind, but it's growing on me. And Josie is now in an official "big girl" bed. And I'm up all night worrying about the distance she has to fall to the floor. :)
There's so much more. Everyday I wish I had some way to begin every blog post that flashes in my mind. But I've got my hands full, for the time being.
Exhausted, but alive.
There was a lot of laughter, and a few tears, I won't lie. Thursday was the toughest day - Eve has taken the art of the screaming fit to a whole new level, and after a solid bout on Thurs. a.m., I couldn't take it anymore. I walked into the bathroom, sat on the edge of the tub and let it go. So we all cried it out together for a few minutes, and then we moved on. We didn't have any playdates planned for our first week at home - and this is the first time I can say that just the three of us have spent such an intensive block of time together.
And, for the first time in my life, I feel what I can only describe as being more at peace with myself than I ever have been before. Perhaps that means that I've finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up... a mom. Makes me wonder what I was doing bothering with all the other stuff when it was right there in front of me the whole time.
I think this summer is going to be an Adventures in St. Paul kind of summer. I've forgotten how much I really love this city. I can't wait to explore it with my girls.
A recap (for posterity's sake) of my first week as a SAHM, btw... it was pretty much 72 and sunny every single day:
Monday - We met up with Daddy over his lunch break for a jog/walk on the river path, and a picnic lunch.
Tuesday - Library day, followed by lunch on the patio in the backyard, and a full afternoon of working/playing in the yard. No naps!
Wednesday - We visited Betty's house in the a.m.. and lunched outside, again.
Thursday - Checked out the playground at Harriet Island. Headed downtown for a picnic lunch date with Daddy in Mears Park.
Friday - the girls headed off to Grandma/Grandpa Dalys' house for the day while Pat and I (finally) painted their rooms. Pink for Eve, and purple for Jo. Eve, upon seeing her room when she returned, said - "it's so very PINK!" And she's right. Pepto Bismol comes to my mind, but it's growing on me. And Josie is now in an official "big girl" bed. And I'm up all night worrying about the distance she has to fall to the floor. :)
There's so much more. Everyday I wish I had some way to begin every blog post that flashes in my mind. But I've got my hands full, for the time being.
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