Baby, it's cold outside!
I have to keep repeating this mantra to myself. If I keep saying it, I may start to believe it soon. Frickin'-A. It's cold out there today!
Really not that much new to report. The girls and I met a friend of mine from work and her two adorable little girls at an indoor playground in Woodbury last Friday. It was nice to check out a new place. We trekked to Chatfield on Saturday for a quick belated birthday celebration with my family. Against my better judgement, we didn't let the girls nap - and suffered the consequences. Evie slept the entire way home in the van - but Jo did not. Lesson learned. My girls need their regularly scheduled naps. Sunday was beautifully warm - I got a crapload of laundry done in the morning, and then went shopping at Woodbury Lakes. As much as I've proclaimed my distaste for the outdoor shopping mall trend, I actually found myself really enjoying this one. Of course, it wasn't -40 below windchill, either.
Oh - last week sometime Patrick decided that we needed to move Eve into the same room with Josie. I have to admit, I wasn't really on board. But it's stinkin' cold in Evie's room, and she doesn't like to be covered up at night and was frequently waking up - we think because she was cold. So I told him if he was willing to bear the brunt of any adverse effects - then fine. Go for it. So we dismantled her crib and set it up in Jo's room. Josie was very excited. And so far, it's been okay. Eve slept great through the night for the first couple of nights. Getting the two of them to go to sleep can be a struggle - the novelty of being in the same room was pretty exciting for both of them. We'd hear them talking - and sometimes Jo telling Eve to shush and go to sleep. It's going to take a bit more adjusting to get them used to each others' routines - especially in the morning. Jo will usually wake, then go back to sleep for a while... but if she wakes up Evie, then it's all over. Eve is up, then we're all up. So it's still going to take some getting used to for all of us, but I think it will be a good move, overall.
Josie-ism for today: Last night both girls were a bit irritable - whiny, crabby... whatever. Eve was whining about something, and Josie told her, "oh, Evie. Zip it."
Evie-ism for today: I think I mentioned her new affinity for the word "no." Her latest game is to say "no" to everything you ask her. Josie has caught onto this one, and will ask her something like, "Evie, are we going to Betty's house today?" while we're in the van, on the way to Betty's house. To which, Evie answers, "No." And on and on and on. They both think they're pretty hilarious. So I guess that was a dual Jo/Eve-ism. :)
My "Healthy Loser" challenge is still going well. I lost another 1.4 lbs. this week. Not a huge number - but any loss is a good loss! So I think that brings me to 9 lbs. lost so far. I'll take it. I'm noticing differences already in my endurance, and the way my clothes fit. One day at a time!
Reason #142 why I need to drop a couple of pounds.
"Whoa. Mommy, those are some BIG undies."
Oh my. The truth certain stings sometimes, doesn't it?
By the way... I am typing this on my new laptop, in the comfort of my own home, with the ease of our new internet. Life is good. :)
Happiness is...
... a moment of silence in between non-stop bouts of whining and crying from both your daughters, FOR NO APPARENT REASON.
... stepping on the scale with your eyes closed because you're pretty sure it's not going to show you a very good number, only to sneak a peek and realize that you've lost another 3.6 lbs. AND it's your birthday. BONUS.
... being able to sleep in until the luxurious hour of 7:30 a.m. ON YOUR BIRTHDAY.
... being the recipient of a brand spankin' new laptop computer and all the fixins for a wireless connection ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. Man. Someone must have been a good girl this year. AND. AND... joining the rest of the population in the year 1999 with high speed internet.
If you couldn't tell, yesterday was my birthday. 32, if you really must know. And yes - I'm not even kidding you - Patrick (and the girls, of course) got me a laptop. I cried. Trust me, not because I'm going to miss my lightning fast dial-up internet. We had an awesome day. I always take my birthday off work. It's against my religion to work on my birthday. So we putzed around home in the morning, took the girls to daycare and went to the mall. We shopped, we had lunch, we ran some errands and we came home and just... were. It may sound crazy, but it actually felt really good to throw in some laundry and clean up the house a bit. I never said it was a glamorous life, but it's all mine. And I like it.
The three-ness of it all
At certain points during the day, we'd stop and remember what we were doing at that time on the day you were born - while there were still only two of us and we were so scared and so excited and so... naive about what our lives were going to be like with a baby. At a little after noon, we recalled how I was eating a lite lunch, then watching "Days" while trying to relax on the birthing ball. (For months after you were born, you'd perk up at the sound of the "Days of Our Lives" theme song.) At a little after 6:00, how we were push, push, pushing, hoping to meet you sooner rather than later. And at 6:29 p.m., how our lives changed forever and our hearts were no longer our own as the doctor told us we had our very own pink, squirmy baby girl. And now, three years later, you are Josie. An independent, stubborn, thoughtful, careful, funny, insightful and so, so caring little girl. You may not talk to people right away and shy away from attention until you feel comfortable, but everyone is sure to get a "hug unna tiss" before they leave. Your thank-yous may be be too quiet for anyone to hear, but at least you say them. I'm afraid the close proximity of the hoopla surrounding Christmas and the hoopla surrounding your birthday may leave the rest of the year seeming very barren - but someday you'll realize that having your birthday so close after the holidays is especially advantageous due to two special, magical words - clearance sales.
I love birthdays, and always want to make your birthday something special. You may not remember this one - but it was quite a weekend. I think you realized that something really was up when you woke up from your nap on Friday, came out of your room to steal some precious snuggle-time on the couch with me while your sister was still sleeping and saw the giant bouquet of balloons I had almost given myself a heart attack to blow up and hang in the kitchen. Your eyes got big and you said in an awed tone, "I was not having balloons before, Mommy." We had a little shindig for you on Saturday at one of your favorite places, the indoor playground. And if I never smell another hot dog again, it will be fine by me. (One of the traits you're sure to inherit from me, just as I did from your Gramma Sue, is the fear of not having enough food. So we now have enough leftover hot dogs in our fridge to feed a small army.) And of course, because you are who you are, you really started to party it up at about 7:59 p.m., and the place closes at 8:00 p.m. So it was a battle to get you convinced that you couldn't stay there by yourself and sleep in the ball pit and had to endure the agony of putting on your coat and coming home with your family, instead. I hope that we are able to instill in you the gratitude and ability to realize how lucky you are to be surrounded with people who love you, especially those who braved freezing their nose hairs off to come out in subzero weather and celebrate you and your day. It definitely was a "primpess" birthday this year, which suited you just fine. You have enough Barbie, princess and fairy gear to last you, well, probably until next year.
And the cherry on the sundae... your very first Sesame Street Live show last night. To be in the same building with Elmo, and Oscar, and Bert and Ernie- was almost too much. Although I'm not sure who enjoyed the show more, you or your sister. I have to admit that I didn't see much of the beginning as I was enjoying watching the expressions on your faces as you realized that Elmo was right there in front of you. Although you would have been perfectly happy with half an Elmo show as you asked me at intermission if we could go home now. And because anatomy is still such an important topic in your life right now, you told me as we were getting ready to leave for the show that "I think Oscar is having boy parts." If he'd ever get out of that damn can, we could be sure.
Josie, you are the best birthday gift I've ever received. Happy Birthday. Daddy and I love you more than you can ever imagine.
Eve is 18 months old!
Her new favorite word is "no." She usually delivers it in a series of three, "no, no, NO." Or as in the instance last night when I asked her if Josie could have a turn pushing the baby in the baby stroller, she mulled it over for a few moments, turned and looked at me and simply said, "No." And walked away.
She so loves to laugh. And loves her big sister. And loves to make her big sister laugh! They are a riot to watch play together. It's going to be hard to separate them when they are school-age.
And we are frequently reminded that "it's almost my birthday," from Miss Jo. We made a paper chain to count down to her birthday, because she loved the Christmas one so much. So this morning we were taking a ring off - we forgot to before bed last night, and after she took it off she said enthusiastically, "Merry Birthday!!" So fun.
Are we there, yet?
So I'm controlling portions, nixing unhealthy and unnecessary snacks and moving myself more than I have in a long time. I'll saddle up on the scale tomorrow and see if we have any results. But no matter what the number I see... I've already won. I'm finally holding myself accountable - and that means more than anything.
Oh no you di'nt!
Oh - how I'll miss the sweet caress of your antler on my cheek
I've joined the weight loss challenge not only to lose some weight and the chance to win some cash in the process... but to jump-start changes in my lifestyle and choices that I make every day. So I dusted off the scale this morning, and the challenge is officially on as of today. I'll be posting some updates about how things are going for me, personally, but the on-going actual site will be a private blog - by invitation only.
And in other news - Josie discovered a new favorite word, or phrase. So she was being a stinker last night about going to sleep... she did nap until 4:30 at daycare yesterday, and that probably did it. She pulled out all her tricks last night to delay going to sleep - and Pat finally just came upstairs in the hopes that she'd drift off. We could hear her on the monitor saying "Awwww. Awww - shit." I tried to convince myself that she was saying "shoot." But no. It really wasn't.
Hilarious? Yes. Appropriate for a 3 year old? NO. Hopefully the technique we've used by ignoring her potty-mouth will work with this one, too.
So much to lose
The first day of a healthier me. I'm finally going to get off my duff and DO SOMETHING to make myself a better, happier person. And I'm going to talk about it. If it's out there, and in writing for the world to see, then I have to be accountable for it, right? So here we go.
In only about 2 hours, I've been invited to the challenge, accepted the challenge and have started the challenge. I've got a secret weapon, and his name is Trainer Patrick. He's fully on board with me, and I can't even tell you how lucky and thankful I am to have his support. So today he took a walk with me during lunch, and made me take the stairs.
Wish me luck!
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding, and a cup of good cheer!
Oh my. Where to begin?
The holiday season of 2007 was… well, I don’t really know if I can adequately describe. So I’ve posted a bunch of pictures (in no particular order... stinkin' Blogger) and give you a few highlights. Oh - and notice Jo's ultra-cheesy smile, in almost every picture. Any tips on how to get her to stop... pass them along. Please. Some things I mention are not Christmas or New Year’s related whatsoever, but are thrown in because if I don’t mention them now – they’ll be lost forever in the vast expanses of my forgetful mommy-mind.
This was the season of Santa Claus for Josephine. Everything was focused on his mysterious arrival, and the bringing of the magical presents. This came in handy when we needed a quick threat. “Go to bed, or Santa won’t come.” “Be good, or Santa won’t come.” “Eat your broccoli, or Santa won’t come.” Evil? Yes. Effective? YES. We did make it to see Santa at the mall. Jo was full of questions the whole way there. “Where will his sleigh be parked? Can we see it? Where are the reindeer? Will you stay there with me?” Apparently, she was afraid that we were going to find Santa, plop her on his lap, and make a mad dash. Tempting? Maybe. But we’re not THAT evil. And she did, in fact, sit on his lap, and ask him to bring her a rocking pony. Then she proceeded to ask him - no, not about his boy parts as I spent so much time fearing – but if he remembered the time the Central Park Rangers tried to get him on their horsies. If you haven’t seen the movie “Elf,” do so right quick. It’s Jo’s new favorite. We’ve watched it many, many times over the past few weeks. And the part at the end where the horsies try to “get Santa” is the source of much contemplation in Jo’s almost-3 year-old world. Thank goodness, Santa rolled with the punches and replied that he did remember, and then we forked over our life savings and gave vats of our blood for our 2 5 x 7 pictures of the girls on Santa’s lap, and went on our merry way. Oh – and in case you were wondering, Josie did remark as I was buckling her in the van that “Santa was having boy parts.” Sigh.
The constant drone of Christmas carols have helped urge Jo to sing. Now she’s singing all the time. Which is awesome, and I can’t get enough. But, painfully, she’s also asking us to sing all the time. More painfully, her only requests are “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” and “Jingle Bells.” Over. And over. And over, again.
The daycare families all brought home paper chains to countdown to Christmas. Josie loved pulling off a chain each night, and saying, “It’s almost Christmas time!” I’m sure this will be a continuing tradition in our house in the years to come.
The family celebrations kicked off Christmas Eve with the Daly family gathering at Pat’s uncle Bob’s house. A good time was had. Josie and Eve left with a whole lot of loot – including very coveted play cell phones for each of them, which I think – judging from time spent playing with, and fits had if someone else touches, and the fact that Josie slept with her phone Christmas Eve - probably win the prize as best gifts of the year. We continued the night in Centerville for the Ashton family get-together at Pat’s aunt Val’s house – and envied immaculate, decorated, roomy, heated, attached garage. Perfect set-up for such a large brood. Jo is obsessed with babies right now, and Pat’s cousin Abby has an adorable little girl that fit the bill. Jo followed whoever was holding baby Ava EVERYWHERE. Didn’t matter if they left our sight or not, she was following that baby. Eve (why, yes, Evie was part of our holiday this year! I fail to mention her much only because all the hoopla is still a little over her head. Next year will be a blast for her when she gets all of it a bit more) had a good time sticking her fingers in, something, on the garage door that left grease all over her hands. It was a very late night getting back home – but we had so much fun.
Christmas morning we went into Josie’s room, and her first words were, “Is Santa here now?” And because she was a good girl and went to sleep, and ate her broccoli, she got the coveted rocking pony. Oh how fun it is to see someone whole-heartedly BELIEVE. And so the magic continues.
We opened gifts, ate waffles (made with Pat’s new Belgian waffle maker) and made it to church on time. Thank goodness for lots of music at the Christmas mass. The girls took much-needed lengthy naps, and then we went to Pat’s parents for dinner. And lots more presents. Bedlam ensued during the kid gift-opening portion of the evening, and thank goodness Sara suggested we take a 5-minute breather because I was getting really warm and my heart was starting to race and I think we all may have imploded if the excitement level reached any higher. It was a wise decision this year to let the kids open first, and play with their gifts while the adults opened. Although the excitement level escalated again when Pat’s dad opened his very own “leg lamp,” like in the movie “A Christmas Story.” I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so excited over a gift before.
And so it begins… Josie got ice skates from Gramma and Grampa. She and Daddy went on her very first skating outing the day after Christmas down at Eastview, and she was able to stand up and glide a little. And more importantly, she loved it. Looks like Mommy is going to have to learn how to skate right along with the girls. Good thing I’ve got plenty of padding on my behinder.
On the Thursday following Christmas, we trekked to Newburg to stay for a few days with Gramma Sue and Erwin. There are cows there. And lots of snow. And tractors – one of which Jo got to ride with Erwin. And Eve decided to be Erwin’s buddy this year, sitting on his lap and letting him hold her without complaint. Maybe it was the fact that he gave her potato chips and cookies, and held her up to see all the birds at the feeder and the cows in the pasture that helped bring him into higher esteem in her toddler mind, but whatever the case, he was alright with her.
My family got together on Saturday, and it was so nice to visit and relax and eat without being rushed or thinking of where we needed to zoom off to next. An impromptu trip to Winona occurred in the middle of the day as Val needed to cheer at a basketball tourney. So Bob, Pat, Val and Em went on an outing while the rest of us stayed back for naptime.
Eve is talking up a storm. She’s added tons of words to her vocab – including “dressed,” “Elf” (gee – I wonder why?) “Santa,” “get up,” “talk quiet,” “stop,” “couch,” “ouch,” “moo,” “door,” “off,” “eye,” “nose,” “mouth,” “neck,” “doggie”… and the list goes on. We spend much of the time during our meals doing “cheers” with our cups, plates, and forks. That girl sure does like a toast. And toast. I think she’d eat toast all day long, if she had her druthers. Actually – she’d be most happy on the BRAT diet. That’s banana, rice, applesauce and toast – usually the recommended diet when one is sick. Throw in the occasional cookie, hot dog and pudding snack – and Eve would be happy. She eats about one solid meal a day. The rest of the time we spend watching her chew up her food and spit it out on the floor for the dog. Her eating habits are eerily similar to her cousin Emilie’s. There are a few similarities between my sister’s girls and my girls – including matching scars on Eve and Em’s foreheads from daycare mishaps. I only hope that we’re noticing the first of many similarities to such fun, pretty, and well-rounded siblings as my nieces.
As I mentioned before, Eve’s cell phone is the coveted toy above all others. A while ago, for some unexplained reason, phones became “Grampa.” She doesn’t talk to her Grampa on the phone, or anyone else for that matter, and it’s not like Grampa is calling us all hours of the day… so I’m not sure where this came from, but her phone is Grampa. And it makes her very, very happy.
Eve is a challenge sometimes in church, but we can usually manage to make it to the end without a major meltdown. Fruit snacks help. We’re the stereotypical family hoarding the back pew with the noisy toddler. When the singing stops, there’s Eve yelling “E-I-E-I-O!” One of us will whisper “shhh” or “be quiet” in her ear and she’ll exaggeratedly whisper right back at us. Or she’ll notice something out of place or a piece of paper on the ground and yell “UH OH!” until we acknowledge the offense and make an attempt to fix it. I have a hard time not busting up, and can’t say that I usually can follow along very closely. Eve’s favorite part is sharing a sign of peace with those around us. She continues to shake her hand at everyone until mass is over, and sometimes beyond. We even have to give “peace” at home and shake each others’ hands. We took the girls to church in Mabel while at my mom’s, and afterwards Gramma Sue mentioned something to the priest about her granddaughters being there and hearing Eve during the service, and the priest remarked, “oh, yes – the EIEIO prayer.” She’s a hoot, and she knows it.
We had a low-key New Year’s Eve. We took Josie and Eve to Como Zoo's Noon Year's Eve celebration, played and had dinner at home, an early to bed night for the girls, a movie, Matt Damon – well, IN the movie - Dick Clark and a shared bottle of champagne at midnight. It really couldn’t have been more perfect. New Year’s Day I woke up to Josie on top of me yelling “Happy New Year! It’s almost my birthday!” and Eve excitedly chanting “Mama, mama!” Again – couldn’t imagine it being any more perfect.
Now that I’ve bored you to tears with this never-ending novel – I wish you and your families a happy, safe and fun new year. And only 6 days late. Not too shabby.
As if there were any doubt...
While enjoying our after-dinner treat (ice cream) at the table last night:
"Mommy... I'm sick. I need medicine. Mmmmm. This ice cream is my medicine. I feel better!"
He must be a South Pole Elf
It's 2008 and we're here. And we're happy. And we're (mostly) healthy. We had an absolutely awesome Christmas. I can't wait to tell you all about it... but I'm going to have to.
More later!