A Poo of Many Colors

Monday, April 16, 2007
We came home from work one night last week to discover that Brewster had decided, for some unknown reason, to eat some of Josie's crayons. He's never shown any interest in them before, but whatever. I've stopped trying to figure that dog out. So after 15 minutes of Josie walking around the house saying, in a very dramatic tone, "OH NO, BREWSTER!" we finally convinced her that everything was going to be okay. (Even though, technically, it wasn't - because we came home on Saturday to discover that his affinity for aforementioned crayons didn't go away. I had thrown the bits and pieces of crayons in the bathroom garbage, and he discovered them and tore the garbage apart. And he's never gone after the bathroom garbage before. *sigh*)

Anyway - maybe he was just trying to make Pat's job of picking up doggie-do a little more thrilling, because there was some very colorful poo in the yard over the weekend. I'll bet you're all wishing you had such exciting lives, huh??

And in other potty-related news, Josie decided on Friday during a playdate at Lucy's house, that she needed to go pee-pee in the potty, all morning long. I swear, between the two of them, they must have gone about 15 times. And the trend continued all weekend at home, as well, though she wasn't quite as enthusiastic without her Potty Partner-in-Crime. :)