I am SO. COLD.

Monday, February 05, 2007
It is our right as Minnesotans to complain about the weather non-stop, right??! But seriously - it's flippin' cold out there this morning. Remind me about this next July when I'm complaining about how hot it is.

Another crazy weekend has passed. Julie Zarn and I threw a baby shower for Tricia (Burk) Mathews on Saturday. It went well. Lots of food and friends and lovely gifts for Baby Mathews. We hung out at the Mathews residence Saturday night with out-of-town friends, the Speth-Mikolajczaks, and in-town friends and their kids... as always, complete chaos when the kidlets are involved, but so much fun. Sunday we went to a Super Bowl party - again, kiddy mayhem ensued and Josie decided it was time to go home. Which was perfectly fine with me since we had a late night on Saturday and an early bedtime was just what the doctor ordered.

As we were getting ready for bed last night, Josie sat on the potty chair... and tinkled!!! We made a huge deal about it and she was so proud she almost burst at the seams. She wanted to keep sitting on the potty, but kept getting up to look at the pee-pee. And so the potty saga begins. Wish us luck. :)


Unknown said...

Congratulations Josie!! Your very first potty-tinkle; Mama Meg and the Gang are very proud of you!

Carol, is that really the right spelling of Miko... whatever? They really ought to change it to Mikologic. Or Mikophonetic maybe. :)

CarolSue said...

LOL :)

I was thinking maybe Mikojackson.

Or Mikopolo.

Anonymous said...

Hip Hip Hooray for Josie beaner!!!
And Carol~~puns are so bad~~~~~~but funny!!