Well. THAT will teach me to keep my mouth shut. A 34 week update.

Thursday, June 22, 2006
So. The last time I posted, I got to tell you how everything was going so well, I was feeling good, and would hopefully be hanging on for a few more weeks. That hasn't necessarily changed, BUT.

Let's back-up to Tuesday morning.

I posted. Then I went to the bathroom. Then I passed my "m.p." And I am not going to go into detail about what that is... if you know, great, if not - you'll have to do your own research. Sorry. Then I was feeling quite crampy for the next couple of hours and was having some lower-back pain that was different from any I had previously had. So I put in a call to a triage nurse at my clinic (my doctor happens to have Tuesdays off - how handy) who, after listening to my story, suggested that I speak with the Labor and Delivery department. So I retrieved the number from the list of "emergency" numbers stored in my head, and gave them a call. They wanted me to come in to be monitored right away. After a quick call to Pat, we were off to Woodwinds Hospital.

I was hooked up and being monitored by 4:00, where I remained until about 10:00. I was having contractions, and after what felt like a very in-depth check from nurse Joyce, who had been my nurse during my entire labor with Josie, it was declared that I had dilated to a 1 1/2. This is not that unusual for someone at my stage, but considering that I had just been checked last Thursday and was only a "fingertip," they were slightly concerned. Throughout the evening, I was given a couple shots of Terbutaline to increase the dosage in my system, and a shot of Betamethasone - a steroid to strengthen baby's lungs just in case something were to happen within the next 48 hours.

The time I spent off my feet along with the increased Terbutaline seem to do the trick. My contractions lessened, although they did declare that I have a "sensitive" uterus due to the fact that anytime I had any urine in my bladder, I would start contracting. So that means LOTS of trips to the bathroom for me. Oh - and did I mention that I am now on bedrest? Yup. Bedrest - again. *sigh*

So, Wednesday I got so speak with my own doctor, who thankfully rescinded the other doctor's directions for me to be connected to a Terbutaline pump, and I had to go back to L and D for my second shot of Betamethasone, and today I had a quick check-up just to listen to baby, measure my belly and see how things were going in general. Dr. Ro refrained from actually "checking" me since there's been enough poking and prodding going on in that general area recently. Thank goodness. :) My blood pressure was great at 100/60, I gained 1 lb. in the last week, and my belly measured right on at 34 cm.

The course of action for me for the next couple of weeks is the oral Terbutaline pill every 4 hours until I'm 36 weeks, along with strict bedrest, only up to go to the bathroom. And I am trying. I really am. It's a hard adjustment to make, especially with a toddler. I am blessed, truly blessed, with the most wonderful husband in the world. No offense to any of your respective significant others out there. :) But he is absolutely wonderful for stepping up and doing his best to make this situation easier for us all. And my support network of a-maz-ing friends and wonderful family gets me though each day. Thank you to all of you.

Sorry for the lack of updates the last couple of days - I was going insane as our home computer is still out of commission, and we couldn't get the internet connection through work for Pat's laptop to work. Ugh. Then I had to stop in to work this afternoon to drop off some paperwork and clean out my desk and whatnot, and they had already disabled my account at work, so I couldn't even log on and update there! But thankfully, we got the internet connection figured out at home, and there you have it. So please do not e-mail me at work for, oh, the next 5 months or so. You may use our home account, crazydalys@yahoo.com, if you have anything for me. Otherwise, I'll try to keep up-to-date on this site, and you can certainly reach me at home by phone. I'll be here. And I can give you the most current Days Of Our Lives update if you want. :)


Anonymous said...

i would really like to see some preggo pictures before you deliver this baby!