Holy Cow!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
What a whirlwind the past few days have been! Here's what's been happening with us:

Thursday, June 15th -
I had my 33 week checkup. Good news! Nothing has changed since my last visit 2 weeks ago. Whew! What a relief. I didn't realize just how stressed out about that visit I was until it was over. I'm kinda feeling like I'm sailing through uncharted territory, at least, as far as my pregnancy experiences are concerned. Sure, I'm still on the Terbutaline, but at 32 weeks with Josie, I was put on bedrest. So here I am at 33 1/2 weeks, still walking around and going to work like nobody's business! Yahoo! Here are my other stats:

BP: 130/76. High for me, but still not terrible.
Belly measurement: 32 cm
Weight: Up 1 lb.
Baby heartbeat: Doc was a little concerned at the fast pace of baby's heart. I think it was up between 160 and 170 when he measured - which is probably due to the Terbutaline. But he wanted me to stay and have a non-stress test, just in case. And the results were just fine.

So everything is going very well, and I'm feeling pretty good. The swelling is continuing to increase in my hands and feet, and sleep is hit-or-miss, but it certainly isn't anything I can't live with. I'm supposed to take the Terbutaline until I'm 36 weeks... so we'll take everything one day at a time and see what happens. But I'm hopeful that as long as I continue to not dilate that I'll be able to go full-term, or at least closer to it, this time around. I will have another appointment at 35 weeks.

And to top off my good news day, I got to meet a couple of friends for dinner and a movie. Bonus!

Oh - and just as a side note, I feel like we're back to square one with the name thing. My friend, Nicole, was kind enough to loan me this cool baby name book, and now we're not nearly as close to picking a name as we thought we might be. *sigh* But you know what, I'm done with the polls. No offense, but I've decided I really don't care what ya'll think. :) So whatever name we go with could be a complete surprise to you. Or not. You'll just have to wait and see!

Friday, June 16th -
Josie and I met Patrick at work where we bought a double stroller from a co-worker who had posted one for sale on our internal want ads. Another thing I can cross off my list! Then Jo and I ran a couple of errands - we got double whammied this weekend with Patrick's 30th birthday on Saturday and Father's Day on Sunday, so had some last-minute shopping to finish up. Home for lunch and nappy time, then that evening we went out to dinner, just the 3 of us. It was quite nice.

Saturday, June 17th -
Happy Birthday, Pat! Opened presents, cleaned house, played with Josie, ran errands and met Pat's family at Governor's for dinner. Then back to our house for presents, cake and ice cream.

Sunday, June 18th -
Happy Father's Day, Pat! A laid-back day. We even made it to church. The weather was quite nice, not nearly as humid as it had been the previous couple of days. Trust me, that means a lot to a 8 months pregnant woman, and to those who have to be around her! We went over to Pat's parent's house for a quick visit after Josie woke up from her afternoon nap.

And here we are. Well into another work week, and Josie has been just a delight lately. For every bit that she continues to challenge us, she is also just that much more fun and lovable and silly. We've been bombarded with kisses and hugs, pushed to the limit with defiance and meltdowns, and constantly amazed at how smart she is. Everything is to the extreme with her right now, and it's definitely keeping us on our toes.


Nicole said...

Sorry about the book Carol. I was just trying to help, honest :)

Now you will feel as though you have exhausted all your possiblities and find the perfect name - right!?

CarolSue said...

No apologies necessary! I love the book and feel like it is opening us up to more options than we had considered before. So yes -you are helping us find the perfect name! :) I just hope it happens before the baby comes...