So. The last time I posted, I got to tell you how everything was going so well, I was feeling good, and would hopefully be hanging on for a few more weeks. That hasn't necessarily changed, BUT.
Let's back-up to Tuesday morning.
I posted. Then I went to the bathroom. Then I passed my "m.p." And I am not going to go into detail about what that is... if you know, great, if not - you'll have to do your own research. Sorry. Then I was feeling quite crampy for the next couple of hours and was having some lower-back pain that was different from any I had previously had. So I put in a call to a triage nurse at my clinic (my doctor happens to have Tuesdays off - how handy) who, after listening to my story, suggested that I speak with the Labor and Delivery department. So I retrieved the number from the list of "emergency" numbers stored in my head, and gave them a call. They wanted me to come in to be monitored right away. After a quick call to Pat, we were off to Woodwinds Hospital.
I was hooked up and being monitored by 4:00, where I remained until about 10:00. I was having contractions, and after what felt like a very in-depth check from nurse Joyce, who had been my nurse during my entire labor with Josie, it was declared that I had dilated to a 1 1/2. This is not that unusual for someone at my stage, but considering that I had just been checked last Thursday and was only a "fingertip," they were slightly concerned. Throughout the evening, I was given a couple shots of Terbutaline to increase the dosage in my system, and a shot of Betamethasone - a steroid to strengthen baby's lungs just in case something were to happen within the next 48 hours.
The time I spent off my feet along with the increased Terbutaline seem to do the trick. My contractions lessened, although they did declare that I have a "sensitive" uterus due to the fact that anytime I had any urine in my bladder, I would start contracting. So that means LOTS of trips to the bathroom for me. Oh - and did I mention that I am now on bedrest? Yup. Bedrest - again. *sigh*
So, Wednesday I got so speak with my own doctor, who thankfully rescinded the other doctor's directions for me to be connected to a Terbutaline pump, and I had to go back to L and D for my second shot of Betamethasone, and today I had a quick check-up just to listen to baby, measure my belly and see how things were going in general. Dr. Ro refrained from actually "checking" me since there's been enough poking and prodding going on in that general area recently. Thank goodness. :) My blood pressure was great at 100/60, I gained 1 lb. in the last week, and my belly measured right on at 34 cm.
The course of action for me for the next couple of weeks is the oral Terbutaline pill every 4 hours until I'm 36 weeks, along with strict bedrest, only up to go to the bathroom. And I am trying. I really am. It's a hard adjustment to make, especially with a toddler. I am blessed, truly blessed, with the most wonderful husband in the world. No offense to any of your respective significant others out there. :) But he is absolutely wonderful for stepping up and doing his best to make this situation easier for us all. And my support network of a-maz-ing friends and wonderful family gets me though each day. Thank you to all of you.
Sorry for the lack of updates the last couple of days - I was going insane as our home computer is still out of commission, and we couldn't get the internet connection through work for Pat's laptop to work. Ugh. Then I had to stop in to work this afternoon to drop off some paperwork and clean out my desk and whatnot, and they had already disabled my account at work, so I couldn't even log on and update there! But thankfully, we got the internet connection figured out at home, and there you have it. So please do not e-mail me at work for, oh, the next 5 months or so. You may use our home account,, if you have anything for me. Otherwise, I'll try to keep up-to-date on this site, and you can certainly reach me at home by phone. I'll be here. And I can give you the most current Days Of Our Lives update if you want. :)
Holy Cow!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
What a whirlwind the past few days have been! Here's what's been happening with us:
Thursday, June 15th -
I had my 33 week checkup. Good news! Nothing has changed since my last visit 2 weeks ago. Whew! What a relief. I didn't realize just how stressed out about that visit I was until it was over. I'm kinda feeling like I'm sailing through uncharted territory, at least, as far as my pregnancy experiences are concerned. Sure, I'm still on the Terbutaline, but at 32 weeks with Josie, I was put on bedrest. So here I am at 33 1/2 weeks, still walking around and going to work like nobody's business! Yahoo! Here are my other stats:
BP: 130/76. High for me, but still not terrible.
Belly measurement: 32 cm
Weight: Up 1 lb.
Baby heartbeat: Doc was a little concerned at the fast pace of baby's heart. I think it was up between 160 and 170 when he measured - which is probably due to the Terbutaline. But he wanted me to stay and have a non-stress test, just in case. And the results were just fine.
So everything is going very well, and I'm feeling pretty good. The swelling is continuing to increase in my hands and feet, and sleep is hit-or-miss, but it certainly isn't anything I can't live with. I'm supposed to take the Terbutaline until I'm 36 weeks... so we'll take everything one day at a time and see what happens. But I'm hopeful that as long as I continue to not dilate that I'll be able to go full-term, or at least closer to it, this time around. I will have another appointment at 35 weeks.
And to top off my good news day, I got to meet a couple of friends for dinner and a movie. Bonus!
Oh - and just as a side note, I feel like we're back to square one with the name thing. My friend, Nicole, was kind enough to loan me this cool baby name book, and now we're not nearly as close to picking a name as we thought we might be. *sigh* But you know what, I'm done with the polls. No offense, but I've decided I really don't care what ya'll think. :) So whatever name we go with could be a complete surprise to you. Or not. You'll just have to wait and see!
Friday, June 16th -
Josie and I met Patrick at work where we bought a double stroller from a co-worker who had posted one for sale on our internal want ads. Another thing I can cross off my list! Then Jo and I ran a couple of errands - we got double whammied this weekend with Patrick's 30th birthday on Saturday and Father's Day on Sunday, so had some last-minute shopping to finish up. Home for lunch and nappy time, then that evening we went out to dinner, just the 3 of us. It was quite nice.
Saturday, June 17th -
Happy Birthday, Pat! Opened presents, cleaned house, played with Josie, ran errands and met Pat's family at Governor's for dinner. Then back to our house for presents, cake and ice cream.
Sunday, June 18th -
Happy Father's Day, Pat! A laid-back day. We even made it to church. The weather was quite nice, not nearly as humid as it had been the previous couple of days. Trust me, that means a lot to a 8 months pregnant woman, and to those who have to be around her! We went over to Pat's parent's house for a quick visit after Josie woke up from her afternoon nap.
And here we are. Well into another work week, and Josie has been just a delight lately. For every bit that she continues to challenge us, she is also just that much more fun and lovable and silly. We've been bombarded with kisses and hugs, pushed to the limit with defiance and meltdowns, and constantly amazed at how smart she is. Everything is to the extreme with her right now, and it's definitely keeping us on our toes.
Thursday, June 15th -
I had my 33 week checkup. Good news! Nothing has changed since my last visit 2 weeks ago. Whew! What a relief. I didn't realize just how stressed out about that visit I was until it was over. I'm kinda feeling like I'm sailing through uncharted territory, at least, as far as my pregnancy experiences are concerned. Sure, I'm still on the Terbutaline, but at 32 weeks with Josie, I was put on bedrest. So here I am at 33 1/2 weeks, still walking around and going to work like nobody's business! Yahoo! Here are my other stats:
BP: 130/76. High for me, but still not terrible.
Belly measurement: 32 cm
Weight: Up 1 lb.
Baby heartbeat: Doc was a little concerned at the fast pace of baby's heart. I think it was up between 160 and 170 when he measured - which is probably due to the Terbutaline. But he wanted me to stay and have a non-stress test, just in case. And the results were just fine.
So everything is going very well, and I'm feeling pretty good. The swelling is continuing to increase in my hands and feet, and sleep is hit-or-miss, but it certainly isn't anything I can't live with. I'm supposed to take the Terbutaline until I'm 36 weeks... so we'll take everything one day at a time and see what happens. But I'm hopeful that as long as I continue to not dilate that I'll be able to go full-term, or at least closer to it, this time around. I will have another appointment at 35 weeks.
And to top off my good news day, I got to meet a couple of friends for dinner and a movie. Bonus!
Oh - and just as a side note, I feel like we're back to square one with the name thing. My friend, Nicole, was kind enough to loan me this cool baby name book, and now we're not nearly as close to picking a name as we thought we might be. *sigh* But you know what, I'm done with the polls. No offense, but I've decided I really don't care what ya'll think. :) So whatever name we go with could be a complete surprise to you. Or not. You'll just have to wait and see!
Friday, June 16th -
Josie and I met Patrick at work where we bought a double stroller from a co-worker who had posted one for sale on our internal want ads. Another thing I can cross off my list! Then Jo and I ran a couple of errands - we got double whammied this weekend with Patrick's 30th birthday on Saturday and Father's Day on Sunday, so had some last-minute shopping to finish up. Home for lunch and nappy time, then that evening we went out to dinner, just the 3 of us. It was quite nice.
Saturday, June 17th -
Happy Birthday, Pat! Opened presents, cleaned house, played with Josie, ran errands and met Pat's family at Governor's for dinner. Then back to our house for presents, cake and ice cream.
Sunday, June 18th -
Happy Father's Day, Pat! A laid-back day. We even made it to church. The weather was quite nice, not nearly as humid as it had been the previous couple of days. Trust me, that means a lot to a 8 months pregnant woman, and to those who have to be around her! We went over to Pat's parent's house for a quick visit after Josie woke up from her afternoon nap.
And here we are. Well into another work week, and Josie has been just a delight lately. For every bit that she continues to challenge us, she is also just that much more fun and lovable and silly. We've been bombarded with kisses and hugs, pushed to the limit with defiance and meltdowns, and constantly amazed at how smart she is. Everything is to the extreme with her right now, and it's definitely keeping us on our toes.
Patience is a Virtue. Or so the saying goes.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
And I'm going to test yours one. more. time. Vote for a girl name, again. Please. Sorry - I forgot that we're working on manners in our house.
As far as middle names... we're not sure. Katherine and Diane have been put on the table. Or not. Let's get the first name thing down first.
What about Baby Girl Daly? That has a nice ring to it. And it's probably going to be the one at the rate we're going...
As far as middle names... we're not sure. Katherine and Diane have been put on the table. Or not. Let's get the first name thing down first.
What about Baby Girl Daly? That has a nice ring to it. And it's probably going to be the one at the rate we're going...
Break my heart
So she finally did it. Josie cried big, fat, real tears and was reaching for us as we left her at daycare this morning. So far, she's always practically jumped into Betty's arms and given her kisses - which has always reassured me that we were doing an okay thing by having someone else watch her.
But we knew this day would come and we were dreading it. Now I know why.
Makes coming to work seem pretty meaningless.
I know it's a rollercoaster and there will be plenty of days when she's going to cry and not want to leave daycare. But at least we get to take her home after that battle.
But we knew this day would come and we were dreading it. Now I know why.
Makes coming to work seem pretty meaningless.
I know it's a rollercoaster and there will be plenty of days when she's going to cry and not want to leave daycare. But at least we get to take her home after that battle.
My Life - In Lists
Monday, June 12, 2006
Things that Josie is up to lately:
1. Kisses. Lots and lots of kisses for Mom, Dad, Brewster and even a cat here and there.
2. Tippy-toes. Stop walking, up on tippy-toes. Reach for something, up on tippy-toes.
3. Reading. Okay - not really, but pretending. Very serious pretend reading out loud.
4. Stacking. Loves her stackable cups. Figuring out what fits in them, and what they fit in. On that same note - we'll find her cups in the garbage, her bath toys in the laundry hamper and her baby doll in my purse.
5. Grunting. I made the mistake of grunting and asking her, when she attempted to pick up my full water bottle, if it was heavy. So now she grunts when she picks up everything. Or bends over. You can probably guess why she's doing that, considering the difficulty I'm having in bending over lately. :)
6. Name that body part. Points to head, nose, mouth, ears, eyes, belly and expects you to name it. Can't quite say the body parts yet, but is getting close.
7. Nose-picking. Finger is constantly up the nose. Toddlers are such disgusting, but lovable, little creatures.
8. Pointing. At everything.
9. Question hands. She'll "say" something that sounds like a question, and put her hands up near her head.
10. Dirty feet anger. If she's walking around barefoot and gets something on the bottom of her feet, she has to stop immediately and examine them for the culprit.
11. Following directions. Ask her to do something, and she'll do it. For the most part.
Things to do before the baby comes:
1. Get my hair cut.
2. Trim my toenails. Not such an easy task any longer.
3. Use spa certificate to get prenatal massage.
4. Clean out and wash the van.
5. Clean basement. I know these don't really have anything to do with the baby - but I'll feel better when they're done.
Things to ask Dr. Rolando at next visit:
1. Why, when I take a deep breath in, do my hands tingle?
2. Is there pre-admission paperwork I need to fill out for the hospital?
3. When am I supposed to call the hospital when I go into labor the second time around?
4. There are a couple of other questions, but for the sake of decency and the fact that I think there are people that I don't really know all that well that read this, I'm going to omit them from this list :)
Last minute things to pack in hospital bag:
1. Contact supplies / glasses.
2. Blowdryer, comb, hair products.
3. Makeup. I know - I probably won't use it, but just in case.
4. Pillow.
5. Camera.
Things that make me chuckle today:
1. There is a company here called Doody Mechanical, Inc. We saw one of their trucks on the way to work. Doody. I always giggle.
2. People used to stare at my boobs. Now they stare at my belly. I wonder what they'll stare at next?
3. I got on the elevator this morning with a nervous-looking chap. I was tempted to accidentally hit the stop button and double over in fake-pain. Poor guy probably would have shat himself.
4. We have an ornery cat, Baxter. Josie likes to walk behind him and kick him in the butt. It makes him angry. It makes me laugh. I know I shouldn't. But she doesn't do this to the other, laid-back cat.
1. Kisses. Lots and lots of kisses for Mom, Dad, Brewster and even a cat here and there.
2. Tippy-toes. Stop walking, up on tippy-toes. Reach for something, up on tippy-toes.
3. Reading. Okay - not really, but pretending. Very serious pretend reading out loud.
4. Stacking. Loves her stackable cups. Figuring out what fits in them, and what they fit in. On that same note - we'll find her cups in the garbage, her bath toys in the laundry hamper and her baby doll in my purse.
5. Grunting. I made the mistake of grunting and asking her, when she attempted to pick up my full water bottle, if it was heavy. So now she grunts when she picks up everything. Or bends over. You can probably guess why she's doing that, considering the difficulty I'm having in bending over lately. :)
6. Name that body part. Points to head, nose, mouth, ears, eyes, belly and expects you to name it. Can't quite say the body parts yet, but is getting close.
7. Nose-picking. Finger is constantly up the nose. Toddlers are such disgusting, but lovable, little creatures.
8. Pointing. At everything.
9. Question hands. She'll "say" something that sounds like a question, and put her hands up near her head.
10. Dirty feet anger. If she's walking around barefoot and gets something on the bottom of her feet, she has to stop immediately and examine them for the culprit.
11. Following directions. Ask her to do something, and she'll do it. For the most part.
Things to do before the baby comes:
1. Get my hair cut.
2. Trim my toenails. Not such an easy task any longer.
3. Use spa certificate to get prenatal massage.
4. Clean out and wash the van.
5. Clean basement. I know these don't really have anything to do with the baby - but I'll feel better when they're done.
Things to ask Dr. Rolando at next visit:
1. Why, when I take a deep breath in, do my hands tingle?
2. Is there pre-admission paperwork I need to fill out for the hospital?
3. When am I supposed to call the hospital when I go into labor the second time around?
4. There are a couple of other questions, but for the sake of decency and the fact that I think there are people that I don't really know all that well that read this, I'm going to omit them from this list :)
Last minute things to pack in hospital bag:
1. Contact supplies / glasses.
2. Blowdryer, comb, hair products.
3. Makeup. I know - I probably won't use it, but just in case.
4. Pillow.
5. Camera.
Things that make me chuckle today:
1. There is a company here called Doody Mechanical, Inc. We saw one of their trucks on the way to work. Doody. I always giggle.
2. People used to stare at my boobs. Now they stare at my belly. I wonder what they'll stare at next?
3. I got on the elevator this morning with a nervous-looking chap. I was tempted to accidentally hit the stop button and double over in fake-pain. Poor guy probably would have shat himself.
4. We have an ornery cat, Baxter. Josie likes to walk behind him and kick him in the butt. It makes him angry. It makes me laugh. I know I shouldn't. But she doesn't do this to the other, laid-back cat.
Just the facts, ma'am
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
In order to refrain from any sniveling, or whining, or excess self-pity, this post is purely fact, no emotional content what-so-ever. Or very little.
Per my doctor's request, on Monday morning I called my doctor's assistant to leave a message with details of how I did over the weekend. I said that I did just fine, had a few contractions here and there and was feeling a bit crampy Sunday night and Monday morning. I went to lunch, came back and there was a message from Rayanne (Raeann, Rayannne, Rayann, I'm not sure how she spells it) telling me that Dr. Rolando thought that since I'm still having some contractions and am feeling cramping that I had better go ahead and get started on the Terbutaline prescription he gave me last Thursday. I had Patrick take me at lunch on Tuesday to get the prescription filled, then drop me off at home for the afternoon since I anticipated feeling the ill-effects of the first dose. That was the right move since I did feel very shaky, anxious and restless.
***Sidenote - we had a great evening on Tuesday visiting with the Rosenbaum family - Becky, Adam and 1 month old Vivian at the Gronau residence. The Mathews - Tricia and Kevin, were also in attendance. :) It was the perfect distraction. And Viv is a perfect little doll. I forget so quickly how small they are when they come out.
I also gave myself the day at home today since I got virtually zero sleep last night and was still feeling very shaky. But I am doing much better this evening. So there you have it. One little pill, every four hours for the next few weeks.
Per my doctor's request, on Monday morning I called my doctor's assistant to leave a message with details of how I did over the weekend. I said that I did just fine, had a few contractions here and there and was feeling a bit crampy Sunday night and Monday morning. I went to lunch, came back and there was a message from Rayanne (Raeann, Rayannne, Rayann, I'm not sure how she spells it) telling me that Dr. Rolando thought that since I'm still having some contractions and am feeling cramping that I had better go ahead and get started on the Terbutaline prescription he gave me last Thursday. I had Patrick take me at lunch on Tuesday to get the prescription filled, then drop me off at home for the afternoon since I anticipated feeling the ill-effects of the first dose. That was the right move since I did feel very shaky, anxious and restless.
***Sidenote - we had a great evening on Tuesday visiting with the Rosenbaum family - Becky, Adam and 1 month old Vivian at the Gronau residence. The Mathews - Tricia and Kevin, were also in attendance. :) It was the perfect distraction. And Viv is a perfect little doll. I forget so quickly how small they are when they come out.
I also gave myself the day at home today since I got virtually zero sleep last night and was still feeling very shaky. But I am doing much better this evening. So there you have it. One little pill, every four hours for the next few weeks.
Meltdown at the Sparky show
Monday, June 05, 2006
It was a beautiful weekend, although it went by much too quickly, as time seems to be doing lately. Sunday morning we decided to take Josie to the Como Zoo. We were having a lovely time, the weather was gorgeous and we got there right when it opened at 10:00 am, so wasn't overly crowded. Sparky, Como's resident trained sea lion, was putting on a performance at 11:30, so the timing was perfect to take in the "show." Well, Josie isn't the biggest fan of sitting still - especially when you're watching from an amphitheater full of fabulous steps and seats to be climbed. As I'm helping her climb up and down, up and down, I'm looking around with envy at all of the other children happily sitting and taking in the sights. I think a combination of factors - including, but not limited to: mom's frustration, hunger, and impending nap time, contributed to a major meltdown at the end of the show. Thank goodness, she waited until the end. And so ended our time at the zoo. At least it's free.
Josie is continuing to show her preference to sleeping in as late as possible in the mornings. Friday morning I had to go in and wake her at 9:45. Granted, she was battling the sniffles, but she still will sleep until well after 8:00, and sometimes 9:00 am if given the chance. Great for weekends, not so great for weekday mornings. So I felt like we had a shortened day on Friday, but we still had a good time picking up Daddy from work and going to grab Dino's Gyros for lunch and taking it to a local park. Then home for a nice nap, and that was pretty much our day!
Saturday we spent time getting a few household things done, and got much-needed grocery shopping done. Then we got to go to our friend Julie's 30th birthday party in the late afternoon, where Josie thoroughly enjoyed Julie's apartment building's nicely renovated pool! Daddy and Jo stayed in the water with the other kids and parents until her little lips were blue.
And so it's Monday morning. And I'm doing fine. Not too many contractions over the weekend. All I can do is take it one day at a time. Thank you all for your well-wishes and concerns. If you haven't posted a guess in the baby pool, you may want to do that - perhaps sooner rather than later :) But I promise, I don't have any inside info that I'm withholding.
Josie is continuing to show her preference to sleeping in as late as possible in the mornings. Friday morning I had to go in and wake her at 9:45. Granted, she was battling the sniffles, but she still will sleep until well after 8:00, and sometimes 9:00 am if given the chance. Great for weekends, not so great for weekday mornings. So I felt like we had a shortened day on Friday, but we still had a good time picking up Daddy from work and going to grab Dino's Gyros for lunch and taking it to a local park. Then home for a nice nap, and that was pretty much our day!
Saturday we spent time getting a few household things done, and got much-needed grocery shopping done. Then we got to go to our friend Julie's 30th birthday party in the late afternoon, where Josie thoroughly enjoyed Julie's apartment building's nicely renovated pool! Daddy and Jo stayed in the water with the other kids and parents until her little lips were blue.
And so it's Monday morning. And I'm doing fine. Not too many contractions over the weekend. All I can do is take it one day at a time. Thank you all for your well-wishes and concerns. If you haven't posted a guess in the baby pool, you may want to do that - perhaps sooner rather than later :) But I promise, I don't have any inside info that I'm withholding.
A Familiar Road
Friday, June 02, 2006
Stats from yesterday's doc visit:
Weight: Up 2 lbs. from last visit 3 weeks ago.
BP: 114 / 66. Excellent.
Belly measurement: Right on 31 cm.
Baby heartbeat: Strong.
Fetal fibronectin test: Negative.
That was the good news. Not that there's bad news - just news. I have started to dilate. A little bit. Which is not abnormal at all for this far along and/or a second pregnancy, but considering my history, it's something to keep an eye on. So I have a prescription for Terbutaline in my bag, and have permission to fill it at any point if I feel that the contractions continue to increase in duration and intensity. But I'm not required to be on it. Yet. I also have orders to "take it easy." Which, following the miscommunication during my pregnancy with Josie, I got very specific clarification on this time around. Working is still fine. Butt on couch and feet up when at home. Call immediately if anything changes. Call next week to update on how I'm feeling. And see him again in 2 weeks. So things are feeling a little familiar. I don't mind if this one wants to come out early, too... but would very much like to avoid bedrest this time around.
Oh - funny tidbit from the visit yesterday. So there I am in all my glory on the table getting ready for the fetal fibronectin test, which is basically like a pap smear, when Dr. Rolando proclaims, "Oh no. Don't kill me. I don't have a test in here - I have to run out and get one." Yeah. Great - why don't you do that. So he bolts from the room, leaving me in pretty much the most uncomfortable position you could be in, WITH the door open, while he locates a test kit. Don't get me wrong - I really like this doc a lot, but I'm pretty sure a female doctor would have checked that beforehand :)
Weight: Up 2 lbs. from last visit 3 weeks ago.
BP: 114 / 66. Excellent.
Belly measurement: Right on 31 cm.
Baby heartbeat: Strong.
Fetal fibronectin test: Negative.
That was the good news. Not that there's bad news - just news. I have started to dilate. A little bit. Which is not abnormal at all for this far along and/or a second pregnancy, but considering my history, it's something to keep an eye on. So I have a prescription for Terbutaline in my bag, and have permission to fill it at any point if I feel that the contractions continue to increase in duration and intensity. But I'm not required to be on it. Yet. I also have orders to "take it easy." Which, following the miscommunication during my pregnancy with Josie, I got very specific clarification on this time around. Working is still fine. Butt on couch and feet up when at home. Call immediately if anything changes. Call next week to update on how I'm feeling. And see him again in 2 weeks. So things are feeling a little familiar. I don't mind if this one wants to come out early, too... but would very much like to avoid bedrest this time around.
Oh - funny tidbit from the visit yesterday. So there I am in all my glory on the table getting ready for the fetal fibronectin test, which is basically like a pap smear, when Dr. Rolando proclaims, "Oh no. Don't kill me. I don't have a test in here - I have to run out and get one." Yeah. Great - why don't you do that. So he bolts from the room, leaving me in pretty much the most uncomfortable position you could be in, WITH the door open, while he locates a test kit. Don't get me wrong - I really like this doc a lot, but I'm pretty sure a female doctor would have checked that beforehand :)
Uh oh
Thursday, June 01, 2006
So I have to go see my doc today at 1:15.
I wasn't supposed to go in until next week... but, I've been having some pretty regular contractions since Tuesday evening, and have just been feeling a bit achy and crampy. Dr. Rolando gave me strict instructions to let him know if anything started to change... so I broke down and gave his assistant a call yesterday. They want to make sure that nothing is changing "down there," meaning that the contractions would be starting to work to soften and thin my cervix. It's so hard to know what is normal and what is not; the contractions I'm having could just be plain old Braxton Hicks and we're most likely just totally paranoid. But it's probably better not to take the chance. They definitely feel different than any I had been having, but I am 31 weeks - so who knows. Keep your fingers crossed for me that everything is still thick and closed!!
I wasn't supposed to go in until next week... but, I've been having some pretty regular contractions since Tuesday evening, and have just been feeling a bit achy and crampy. Dr. Rolando gave me strict instructions to let him know if anything started to change... so I broke down and gave his assistant a call yesterday. They want to make sure that nothing is changing "down there," meaning that the contractions would be starting to work to soften and thin my cervix. It's so hard to know what is normal and what is not; the contractions I'm having could just be plain old Braxton Hicks and we're most likely just totally paranoid. But it's probably better not to take the chance. They definitely feel different than any I had been having, but I am 31 weeks - so who knows. Keep your fingers crossed for me that everything is still thick and closed!!
Congrats, Kari!
She's a big winner!! Congrats to Kari, who won over $60,000 during her Wheel of Fortune appearance. Tricia and I made the trek down to Rochester last night to attend Kari's Wheel of Fortune pizza party in the auditorium at Mayo Clinic with between 100 and 200 of her closest friends, family and co-workers :) It was a blast to see her on national television, bouncing, winning and bonding with Pat Sajak! She and her family did an excellent job of keeping her winnings a secret - not an easy feat with everyone trying to trick them into spilling the beans. No one deserves more success and happiness than Kari - a true friend, competitor and champion in everything she does. Great job!
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