Thank Goodness for Gedney

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Thanksgiving 2007 - over and done. And Josie is thankful for "Special Treats." Her words, exactly, as we went around the table and told what we are thankful for. Treats as in, the bribes she gets for eating a good supper. Like pickles. And suckers.

Sunday night the girls were all decked out in their footie jammies, delaying bedtime by being super-cute and getting along. Evie picked up a basket I have in the living room, slung it over her arm and toddled off, waving bye-bye. We got quite a kick out of this, and Jo, upon seeing our delight in someone else's cuteness, decided that she should be part of the action, too. So she picked up the other basket I have in the living room, slung it over her arm and told me that she and Evie needed to go to the hardware store and shop. So they came and went, in and out of the living room together with their baskets, returning from "shopping" trips, then needing to go to the store, again. Evie was so happy to be playing with her big sister. Her little nose crinkled up when she smiled. Josie gave me a hug-unna-tiss every time they were "leaving" for the store.

And those few moments in time sum up exactly what I'm thankful for this year.