I just made you say underwear

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Jo and I were sitting at the kitchen table this morning when Evie walked in with one of my bracelets. Upon seeing this coveted item, Jo immediately proclaimed that she needed to have HER bracelet.

Me: "First of all, that's MY bracelet. And secondly, Evie is looking at it right now. You may have it when she's done. So don't get your undies in a bundle.***"

***Does anyone else actually say this, or is it yet another one of those oddball phrases that I've dragged with me into adulthood from my parents? Like how my Dad always used to say when I hauled myself out of bed at noon on a weekend in high school 'Well, there's another country heard from.' Or when I whined about how much I wanted something or wished I had something, 'Well, you can crap in one hand and wish in the other and see which you have more of.' What the hell does that mean anyway?? I may not know, but I guarantee you I'm gonna use it on my own kids.

Jo: She sat in silence for a few moments, thinking, then turned to me. In a teasing voice, while grabbing at her underwear, says, "Mommy... I'm bundling my undies...."


Unknown said...

OMG that is SO cute. How do they innately know how to be so cute and so irritating at the same time? :)
P.S. I say "...undies in a bunch" but I don't think I got that from my parents.

Jara said...

I just used that phrase this morning! The radio had just announced it "lighten up day" and Zoey is the biggest grouch I know and told her (and Isaac) to lighten up and not get your "undies in such a bunch". But they were still tired and I didn't get much of a response from them. Parents (and even my grandparents) have passed those corny phrases down and I will pass them onto my kids. They won't like it, but that is how it goes.