Moo Moo Here Moo Moo There

Monday, December 03, 2007
I've been known to overexaggerate from time to time. No, really - I'm serious. But this time, I have witnesses. On the way to daycare this morning, Eve was singing "Old MacDonald." Sure - she's not ready for American Idol (although she was more in tune than Sanjaya,) but she was distinctly singing "E-I-E-I-O," and "moo moo here, moo moo there." My kids are geniuses. That goes without saying, of course, but it just feels so darn good, I had to see it in print.

All this singing occurred right before she took her boots off on the ridiculously long 6-minute car ride to daycare. Seriously. Nothing drives me battier than having to re-dress them in winter gear after I've JUST DRESSED THEM IN THEIR WINTER GEAR. But the boots are the bane of Eve's existence. Right after the mittens. And the hat. We put her boots on her for the first time last night before going out to shovel the walk, and you'd think that we cast her precious little feet in cement and asked her to run the Boston Marathon. This morning after the Evil Boots tripped her, she rolled herself to her back on the kitchen floor and laid there, fully dressed in outerwear, arms and legs splayed, as if to say, "this is it. I give up."

It's going to be a long winter.

Although Jo is getting more and more imaginative, so that's been really fun to watch - and should help during those days that it's subzero and we can't go out and play. She pretends she's a "worker man" who fixes things around the house, and a doctor, a dentist, a mommy, a daddy, a baby, a kitty, a princess (pronounced pri-pess) and a queen. Oh - and the other night, she was Santa. We were playing in the living room while Pat was using the snowblower in the alley, and I had the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, aka, Lots of Women Singing and Dancing and Looking Exactly Like One Another and Having Legs That Go Up To Their Noses, on in the background, for ambiance, or something. Josie took notice during one of the rousing holiday numbers and excitedly pointed out Santa. Then she turned to me and said, matter-of-factly, "Santa has boy parts."

Now I'm a little nervous to take them to see Santa. Who knows what she's going to ask him.


MC said...

I double that ... on the "Nothing drives me battier than having to re-dress them in winter gear after I've JUST DRESSED THEM IN THEIR WINTER GEAR."

I've got me-self the same exact issue.

I like to read and find out what's ahead in Owen's behaviors from what Josie is doing. But the proclaiming of body parts out loud - not sure I'm ready for that one!

Unknown said...

The multiplying Radio City Santas got a little creepy for me and the kids, both. But otherwise wasn't the dancing COOL!?!?