Not So "Rosey"

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Remember how I said that Eve was my crabby little bear all weekend and had a fever?


So Monday night when we pick her up from daycare, she had this weird rash. Hmm. From the heat? We didn't know. Still had it yesterday. Pretty bad on her back, front and head. The daycare lady got suspicious, got out her little book of kid ailments and says, "Roseola!" And she was right. Who knew? I feel really naive about this stuff sometimes. Heard of it - but had no clue what it was. Pat did take her in to be checked out and they confirmed our self-diagnosis. It's much lighter today. Poor little bugger. She's had no appetite at all, has been miserably sad and her nose has been as runny as runny can be. Add teething to the mix - and woo-hoo! Instant party.


Anonymous said...

Poor little EvieDoodle~~and with this heat, she has to be miserable!! Give her kisses and hugs from me~~~and tell Josie to call me again,sometime~~That was so funny~~~~

Rebecca said...

Ooh. Kinda glad we didn't hook up for the childrens' museum that day. Maybe another day soon?

Anonymous said...

Poor Beavie. Hugs from the Coes.

Rebecca said...

How's the munchkin doing? Feelin' better yet?