I didn't realize that Eve missed her daddy so much, until he got back from Madden's Friday afternoon (a full 2 and 1/2 hours earlier than I expected him!) and she would not let him put her down for about 4 hours. You couldn't wipe the smile off her face, and she kept burying her face in his shoulder. Sometimes, I think we have it so ingrained in our heads that Josie is "daddy's girl" that we fail to make sure Evie is getting enough time with him, and Josie with me.
Many things in life are uncertain. But one thing I'm fairly certain I know FOR SURE - my children will never be America's Next Top Model. They are beautiful, but not pros in front of the camera as some kids their ages are. See my friend Nikki's blog for perfect examples (and just to enjoy a couple of darn cute kids!) Granted, the end result is not always indicative of the experience as a whole, and I don't know what goes on behind the scenes during others' appointments. But for some reason, we keep subjecting ourselves to the terror of professional photographs. Gluttons for punishment? Apparently. We just want to be "good parents" and capture these months for our girls that go by so quickly. But between the one that wouldn't stand still, sit still or hold still and the other who wouldn't crack a genuine smile - we had ourselves one doosey of an appointment at Target on Saturday. It got quite comical towards the end, and we found ourselves laughing... good thing - or we probably would have been crying. We did end up with a couple of pretty cute pix... so the whole thing wasn't a wash. Maybe in a couple of years it will be different and I'll be eating my words. We'll see. Until then - the photographers at Target will be cringing when they see us coming!
Josie loves to draw pictures. Lately - her favorite subject matter is "the broken bridge." I wasn't quite sure I heard her correctly the first time she told me what she was drawing. But sure enough - she said it again. She must have seen something on tv at daycare - or they talked about it there, because she hasn't had any exposure to the coverage of it at home. It was a little disconcerting at first - but I guess this is a good lesson for us that we can't shelter them from everything.
Cute Josie story from yesterday - I had gotten done putting groceries away last night, and was starting to clean up the house before bedtime. Pat was getting Evie in her jammies, and probably changing another yucky-poopy diaper (the little doodle is working on about 4 new teeth all at once; they're the pointy ones next to the front four on top and bottom - are those the incisors?) and Josie was at the kitchen table when all of the sudden she came busting into the hallway yelling "OH NO! Look what Brewster did!! Brewster ate my pudding!!" She was holding an empty snack-pack carton that I had failed to throw away and must have left laying on the floor by the pantry. Her pudding snacks were safely tucked away in the cupboard, but she assumed by the empty container that Brewster had eaten all of her pudding. And in her little world - that would have been a tragedy of mammoth proportions. So I had to take her to the pantry and show her the pudding before she believed us that Brewster had not been a bad dog. This time, at least!
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Carol, thanks for the compliment on the girls. Your girls are adorable! If it makes you feel any better our photo session was a crazy and I really didn't think we had any good photos but somehow it always works out. You have a beautiful family, are you kinding!
Are you kidding, America's Next Top Model always needs a couple good redheads. ;) I think the "fangs" of which you speak are actually called canines; the front four (top and bottom) are the incisors. I should totally go check before posting this, but I am not going to. ;)
Here ya go!
(If you don't want to follow the link, I will just let you know right here that I was right. :) :) :) )
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