So we (meaning the collective 12th floor employees of the 401 building) get to work yesterday morning to find a bright red notice posted in our vending area, right above the toaster. It says something to the effect of "the use of personal appliances such as space heaters, toasters and coffee makers is prohibited... yadda yadda yadda... will be confiscated... blah blah blah." Since I sit relatively near the vending area, I've been able to hear the utter discontent this has caused among my co-workers. You'd think they posted a sign telling everyone that it will be mandatory to donate a kidney or sign their paychecks back over to the company and work for free. Since I'm not one to bring in items which require toasting and don't really give a hoot if our toaster is confiscated, I've gotten quite a kick listening to the conversations this declaration has provoked.
"What am I going to do?! What about my English muffins?!"
"How about they focus on real problems like ice machines that don't work?!"
"Who's a toaster going to hurt?"
"Oh, no! Somebody better hide the toaster!"
"I hear on the 11th floor they have a coffee maker. Man, I wonder if that's gone?"
When you put it into perspective, I guess if a confiscated toaster is all we have to worry about, then our lives aren't really so rough, are they? :)
The other excitement at work this week in my department has been the annual "Secret Turkey" gift exchange. Normally, in cube-land, this type of activity is done around the Christmas holiday, but with everyone's busy schedules, vacation times being used and generally hectic workloads at that time of year, this department decided to do it around Thanksgiving. We drew names and brought gifts each day this week for the person whose name you drew. Can I just say, I had the BEST SECRET TURKEY EVER. It was so awesome to get to work each day to lovely gifts, and a cute poem from my "turkey." I can be put in a VERY good mood with a little chocolate, let me tell ya.
Lastly - I just have to share (whether you want to know or not) that Josie had the biggest, the nastiest, the smelliest blowout last night in her crib. What a joy for Patrick and I to open up the door to her room this morning to a foul smell - and I mean FOUL. It actually made Pat gag, and he has never done that before. Anyone who gets frequent updates on Jo's pooping habits knows that we have a little trouble in this area as her "movements," while frequent, are normally quite hard and difficult for her to pass. We've pushed fruit, veggies, juice, karo syrup in her bottles (as suggested by her doctor - in case you're wondering) to no avail. But for some reason last night - she exploded. EXPLODED. And I must say, she seemed in much better spirits this morning after her cleansing! After gaining his composure and helping me go through about 15 baby wipes, Pat ran the nasty abomination directly out to the garbage can. The diaper genie was going to be no match for this one! Poor garbage men. I really should send them flowers or something. Not that they'd be able to smell them after stopping at our house.
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I'm glad to see you, too, are blogging about your child's poop. Fun, isn't it?
... I wouldn't care about the toasters either but don't get it why they HAVE to take them away. Corporate America: thumbs down.
I had no idea just how much life revolves around poop. And what a different experience to have to obsess about someone ELSE'S poop.
oh yes amazing isn't how your conversations change. Now we want to know color, texture, smell, etc... Who knew how important this info really was :)
We have toasters, coffee pots, etc. oh the benefits of a non corporate job, I get to make the decision. Don't get me wrong it has it's downside too. Don't they all.
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