Overheard. And some other stuff.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
At the dinner table last night:
Eve’s spoon-phone rings.
Eve: “Hewwo? Grampa? Burp! (as in, I burped.) Toot! (and, I also tooted.) Milk all gone.”

There's something a little dirty about the word "stimulus." Say it a few times with me: Stimulus. Stimulus. Stimulus. See? I'll bet you think a little differently about that stimulus rebate, now, huh? :)

I swear the girls are still recovering from a reeeaaallly late night last Saturday. We took them to the Twins game for awhile, then out to Blaine to visit with some friends and their kids in from out of town. It was 8:00 pm when we were heading out to the "party." Josie looked at me and said, "Why are we going so many places today??" They had a ton of fun - but I felt like a guilty parent the entire time. Such is life.

Did I ever blog about Eve pooping on the potty? Yes? No? I don't recall. But she did. We could tell she was trying to go one evening, so Pat took her in and set her down, and she went. She looked in the toilet and said "Fishy!" The elusive poop-fish, right in our toilet.

Josie is in a huge Dora/Diego phase. Books, movies, games - she can't get enough. We brought home about 5 books from the library that looked to be fairly new... and now after spending a couple weeks in our house... not so much.

Eve is talking. Not a new development, by any means... but she's really talking. A lot. She answers yes/no questions with vehemence. "Eve, would you please put on your coat - it's time to go bye-bye." "NO! Color! NO COAT - color!" Translation: I would prefer not to put on my coat right now, Mommy. I am coloring. "Eve - would you like some cereal?" "YEAH!" We may have to start working on indoor vs. outdoor voices.

We're gearing up for a busy spring and summer. My, how fast the calendar fills up. Grad parties and birthdays and vacations and playdates a-plenty. Should be fun. But I'm tired already! More later...