In a nutshell...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Evie had her 1 year well-baby check last Friday.

Weight: 18 lbs., 14 oz. - 10th percentile.
Length: 28 3/4 in. - 50th percentile.
I don't remember what her head measurement was - but it was a big one. Like, 90th percentile. My kids have big noggins!

So we can't face her forward in her carseat quite yet - she needs to be at least 20 lbs. And, we had tried to switch her over to a "next step" milk-based formula a few weeks ago, and she started to throw up, arch her back while crying and have bad gas. So we put her back on soy formula until her doctor appointment. She most likely is lactose intolerant, so we're giving her soy milk, just like daddy. Hopefully, she grows out of it. We're supposed to try whole milk again in a couple of months. She seems to handle a bit of yogurt and cottage cheese and cheese just fine, so if we only have to watch the milk, that will be do-able.

More soon. Just wanted to get that down in writing before I forgot.


Rebecca said...

What a peanut! Glad to hear all is well (except for the milk thing).

I was so happy when we could turn Viv around in her carseat. We're pretty sure she got carsick the other way. It was miserable.