Newsflash: "Relaxing" Weekends a Thing of the Past...

Monday, June 11, 2007
So you say "have a nice weekend!" to your co-workers on Friday afternoon (or Thursday, as the case may be) and head out the door while looking ahead to a whole weekend to revamp, recoup and recover from a long week at work. Yeah, right! If someone had only told me 5 years ago to stop for a moment and ENJOY long, quiet, self-centered weekends... well, who am I kidding, I probably wouldn't have believed them. But my point - it's pretty sad when heading back to work on Monday morning is a chance to recover from the craziness that now defines our weekends. I swear I'm more exhausted after a weekend at home than a week at work! The laundry, the cleaning, the shopping, the cooking, the playing, the mopping. To all you moms and dads out there - a big fat kudos. You are all some kind of special, because It. Never. Ends. and I. Don't. Know. How. You. Do. It.

Can you tell I need a break? And a break I shall receive... in exactly 9 days. Off to Charlotte with my sis to take in the AACT (American Association of Community Theater - I'm assuming?) National Festival where my brother and his Drama Center will be performing. Yahoo! I'm so excited I could... I don't even know. I'm just beside myself with giddiness.

Don't get me wrong. Spending quality time at home with my fam means more to me than anything in the whole wide world. But I don't have any evening activities to get me out of the house, and golly, haven't been on an actual vacation since before Josie was born. Of course, those are the choices that I make... but I'm feeling a little burned-out, nonetheless. Anyhoo. Enough of that.

To recap our weekend... yeah - it was good. How's that for boring? Back on track with the Gronaus-sans-Joel on Fridays for some playdate action. It's awesome to be able to be outside now - and Josie was especially thrilled with the new slide/climby thingie in Lucy's backyard. And we had our first "dance class"... and she paid attention for about, oh - 5 minutes? :) But it went better than I expected (from Josie, I mean, not Meg and/or Lucy, who both performed marvelously and were very well behaved! :) :) :) ) and I think it will be awfully fun as the weeks progress.

The bobblehead craze has begun again for another season. If you don't know already - we have a collection of all of the bobbleheads the Twins have given away since they started up again - oh, what, 6 years ago, or so, maybe it's longer than that, I don't know. But what I do know is this - we're giant nerds. But now that we have all of them, we can't stop. As much as I would LOVE to, we just can't. So the first BH game of the season was on Saturday night. (Joe Mauer. He only has one sideburn, and it kind of bugs me. The bobblehead, not the real Joe. But anyway.) Pat went to the 'Dome around 1:00 or so on Saturday afternoon to secure our spot in line, and I brought the girlies after they woke up from naps, just in time for the doors opening at 4:00. And we actually were able to stay for the dreaded 2 hour wait until game-time, and made it until around 7:30. Of course, hot dogs and malt cups help, but both girls did pretty well. Eve didn't start to melt-down until she got scolded for grabbing the beer out of the cupholder on the back of my seat, then she decided she'd had enough and it was time to go home. She is her daddy's daughter, after all. Take away his beer, and it's all over. :)

Yesterday was a whirlwind of yardwork, housework, laundry (in which I barely made a dent. grrr.) and a Target / Walmart trip AND a grocery shopping trip. Yadda yadda yadda. I'm really tired this morning.

OH! But happy day - we have central air. I now am officially a believer that it is installed, and more importantly, functional. A dishwasher and central air all in one year? What's next - an attached garage?? Naw.... that's just silly. :)


Anonymous said...

Sissy Pooh - I love you! and you are doing a FABULOUS job of being a Mom, Wife, Sister, Daughter and all the other hats you wear! I am SOOO EXCITED for our trip I can't even put intelligent words to paper so WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO is all I can do!