I kinda can't even believe I'm sitting here on September 7th, on the brink of the fall season, Josie starting preschool, sorting out long-sleeve shirts and jeans and looking back at summer. I feel like I've just gotten this whole "staying at home" (what a silly way to put it... we've hardly been home!) thing down, and now more changes and adjustments are upon us. Such is life.
We just spent the most amazing weekend (which got off to a HORRID start with terrible traffic and an unfortunate camper-backing-up incident which I won't go into detail about here...) at a friend's cabin in Crosslake. The weather couldn't have been more perfect and the weekend totally redeemed itself after it's lousy start. Josie informed us she wants to stay there forever, and she wishes very much that WE had a cabin. Well, Josie dear... we've got a '72 Steury pop-up instead. Thems the breaks.
Just a few of August's highlights included the Como Zoo, outings to Lake Elmo Park Reserve, the girls' first full weekend alone with Grandma Sue and Erwin while Patrick and I enjoyed Western Days and softball in Chatfield, Eagle's Nest indoor playground, Pump It Up, the Chutes and Ladders park in Bloomington and a weekend camping with friends near Brandon. And, of course, filling in the other days were many trips to our "red park" just down the street, outings to the library and lots of walks, bike rides and playing on our swingset.
We *finally* found out that Josie will be attending her 4-year-old program during the morning session beginning this Thursday. A relief to know after a summer of waiting and wondering, and I think, a very good thing for our family. She's a occasional napper, and I'm looking forward to a reason to get us back to normalcy in the mornings, instead of the a.m. blahs we're slipping into once in a while with nothing to get us moving. I can't really put into words the mixed emotions I'm experiencing. She's so ready. But I'm not sure I can say the same. Just today she counted to 40, and has been counting by two's, as well. Not sure when or where she picked that up. She's fascinated by numbers, always counting everything she sees. Oh, and did I mention how stinkin' adorable she's gonna look in her school uniform? She picked a Tinkerbell backpack, and we're practicing learning how to tie her big girl new tennis shoes. At the bottom of the washing machine today, I found a bunch of acorns she'd filled her pockets with at the cabin. When I told her about my find, she said, "oh, that's where they went! I've been wanting to count them."
While Jo is in school, Eve and I will attend Wednesday morning ECFE class, and possibly a tumbling class, as well. I'm interested to see how Evie adjusts to her big sister, best friend and favorite playmate venturing into a new experience without her. We've talked about it, but I don't think she truly understands the change that is coming. While Josie, on the other hand, has been very curious about what exactly it is that Eve and I will be doing without her. I think Jo is picturing swings and candy and trips to McDonald's.
Eve is, I guess you'd say, half potty-trained. She continues to do very well with pee, and goes in the bathroom mostly all on her own. She's dry some mornings, and always through naps. And then there's the poop. She very politely asks for a diaper, promptly goes away by herself, gets the job done, and then asks to be cleaned up. It's a nice little routine she's got going. No desire to put it in the potty. We recently started to talk, again, about starting a reward chart, or a trip to Target to get that baby doll she's been coveting for valid efforts on the potty. And then she went seven days without pooping. So here we are, back changing poopy diapers, for now. I'm very willing to forgive the inconvenience because, well, they're growing up so darn fast, and Eve is so darn... cute. She can't milk that forever, of course.
And to wrap up for now, more pictures. If I could, I'd press the replay button on the summer of 2009.
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